
Nov 11, 2008 14:10

On this day, an uncertain number of years ago, a person was born. The world shuddered in fear.

This person is a friend of mine, and so today, I post this... I can't even call it a ficlet, but it is something he has been calling for for sometime now, though I fear he may be disappointed by the results.

Happy birthday, sir.

Today, I give you:

Two Slayers, One Chalice

It was just an old chalice Xander had found lying about the castle, but now for some reason it had become a favorite vessel for the Slayers.

Faith raised the chalice to her lips and swallowed some of the viscous brown substance within.

She lowered the chalice and licked her lips.

"Not enough chocolate," she said, handing the chalice to Buffy.

Buffy drank as well.

"Yeah," she agreed. "Definitely not enough chocolate."

Andrew took the chalice back, shoulders slumped, and returned to the kitchen to continue his quest for the perfect chocolate milkshake.

fic. birthday

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