Jul 21, 2005 19:45
i get to have surgery! on my jaw! yaaaaaay! it would seem that a jaw with such a wide range of motion would almost be a blessing ;) it turns out its not :( lately the "clicking" in my jaw has become more aggressive and painful. i saw my doctor thursday, he sent me to a specialist who said that when i bite down with my jaw on my back teeth, which is how i eat, my jaw is actually far back from its "natural" position. so he wants to do this...in this order.
pull 4 teeth. my 12 year molars on top and bottom
put BRACES!!!! on my teeth for 6 months to pull them all to the front as far as possible and align my bite for the next step, which is...
breaking my bottom jaw and moving it forward, pining it and wiring it shut for 2 weeks.
this total process will take nearly 7 months.
i had braces in jr high. i hated it. im 21. i have to wear them again!?
well naturally i said, hey is this necessary? and he replies, no, you can not do it, its up to you...but the clicking WILL get more painful, and the joint WILL wear out and you WILL get lock jaw. period. not if, or could, will...only question is when. so fuck. i guess im going to have to do it. how incredibly depressing.