Feb 17, 2006 13:07
this is a love letter to my psychology teacher that I don't know how to start. let's see let's see.
my notes are neatly divided into two sections. on the right I have notes about ethics, policies and projective tests, like rorshach ink blots and adapted IQ tests, a zillion little anecdotes about everything from the first time he nearly threw something at another human being (a clipboard and a borderline patient mid-suicide drama), to the incest participant he had been obligated to rat out to the NYC OCSS -- an incest participant who had understood the ethics even as he had come clean, then chosen to stay in therapy anyway. During his residency, a man ran his car through the door of my teacher's, ripped it clean off, then turned up schizophrenic at the hospital, hallucinating that the teacher was leading a den of Nazi orderlies. Many years later, a pre-law student went to him with a public speaking phobia, then invited him to play the role of defendant at the mock-trial. The patient spoke beautifully. And then the mock-prosecutor got up, got lippy, and my teacher went way into his role and pissed off like oh no -- no you didn't just -- you didn't TRY TO SHRED MY CASE, TAKE MY CUSTODY, I AM NO BAD FATHER WHO'S YOUR DADDY WHELP WHO'S YOUR DADDY NOW and effectively tore apart the poor law student on the stand.
On the left half of my paper, I have margin notes full of curvy arrows and phrases I've never heard anywhere else. 'Pea stone driveway,' 'Boston brahman,' 'he bootstrapped himself.' 'Skewering herself with guilt.' 'Instant visceral disgust.' See, Dr. Phil grosses him out, though he admits it's probably 80% professional jealousy.
He's got this quirky jiggle to his head like a Hindi belly dancer, and a thatch of honest gray curls. Eyebags look distinguished on his kind of face, but his especially, he has this long raised sickle-shaped ridge below his right eye which might be a black vein or it might be a scar. I think he actually inspires me. He inspires me to be a shrink, a teacher, a world-shaker and earth mover, an angry daddy standing trial.