'graphics' -- anything that can be reproduced indefinitely (Ie., not 'fine art')
'design' -- 'purposeful placement'
^ I hope that's not all I'll have the opportunity to learn.
the school's course signup system completely choked on Graphic Design I, so I won't know if I'm in until Wednesday. however, I am DETERMINED to get in, partly because it seems useful, and partly because there's this kid in the class who's the spitting image of
Jack Shephard from Lost. From the bone structure to the buzzcut to the stubble. But his voice is nicer. Jack's borderline nasal, a little whiny, ya know.
I already have a Fantasy featuring him. Slam him down on one of the puny desk-chairs in the class room and ask 'WHO'S YOUR DADDY' loooooolmaomaomfmmfmjsjggkg *lost nerd*
In grodier news, half of my laundry f-ing reeks and the other half doesn't. I suspect it's because my comforter took up so much room and didn't shrink from waterweight at all, preventing the load from tumbling and mixing with the soap properly. The drier barely did a thing. I should have listened to Suzuko's advice. /)A; eeeew.