random junk.

Jan 15, 2006 17:40

I forgot to note about Club Tribeca the other night, it turned out to be at the exact same location of the club I swore never to go back to with the exact same staff, including the exact same 8-foot-tall black bouncer who had ripped us off last time. But there was no cover charge this time -- and the f-ing bouncer didn't randomly charge us $100 HK on entry -- so we ordered the Fanciest Drink we could see on the menu, 'Abs in the Mist.' Turned out 'Abs' was 'absinthe,' rather than the gourmet abdominal meat I was envisioning, with brandy or sth and cranberry that we couldn't taste at all. Kind of yucky. But I tell myself it was worth it to be able to say I drank Abs in the Mist.

My final shopping trip in Hong Kong, I went back to 'Women's Street' and bought a pair of pea-green diaper shorts (whatever mental image you're having is probably close to the truth), a T-shirt with a chibi-Gaara on it (jglk im so obsessed;;;) and a gift for michanchan, who was responsible for my awesome Kotetsu at last Otakon.

I did some thinking about my 'AAA WHAT' episode yesterday, and concluded it's mostly information overload. I got so used to winging it in the States with my pack of slackers, that returning to the nest with its overprotective parents, uncles racing to the altar, struggling accountant cousins, and surging crowds was a massive personal and culture shock. I was completely out of practice with sifting through mountains of conflicting advice, separating 'things to keep in mind' from 'crap' from 'what's right for me.'

The fact is, I'm moving further and further from the things my parents know. The traditional principles that guided them then are time-proven and do still apply now, 'human economics are a force of nature'; 'work hard, do great works, start your kids off higher than where you started from'; 'the world will always need lawyers'; 'JOB SECURITY.' However, the more things stay the same, the more they change.

Besides, I thought it was the cutest thing, how my mom got hung up on the one time I confessed I don't like myself so much. That is, she got way more hung up on that than anything else I've said in awhile. To take the awesome words of Wilson from House, M.D.:
    "He hates being a disappointment."
    "He's a doctor. World famous. How disappointed can they be?"
    "You know what I figure is worse than watching your son become crippled? Watching him be miserable."
It's really tempting to lock or delete yesterday's neurotic post, but I think I'll keep it awhile. Next time, I'll recognize what a system overload looks like.

For westbaylen's to-do:

  1. Report back to Captain B-chan on Shiri
  2. Send THE PRINT to Captain B-chan asap >:o

I'm flying back to Massachussetts tomorrow. Later.

Edit: this MAY just be a placebo effect, but I feel unusually awake today.

shopping, clubbing, my future, ruminations

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