[bchan's daddy] says:
Mom has a facial lazer treatment in Shanghai to "char" away the spots all over her face. Now she cannot/dosenot want to go out because it looks like someone 'punch her in the face"...streange or not?
Potatocouch[/bchan's beebee sister] says:
she had laser surgery....
Potatocouch says:
oh shite.
Potatocouch says:
thats not good...
Potatocouch says:
its also very painful
Potatocouch says:
[bchan's daddy] says:
Another week she thinks the dead skin will drop off!
Potatocouch says:
[bchan's daddy] says:
And she will look 30 yeaRS younger!
Potatocouch says:
thats scary.
Potatocouch says:
why is mom so concerned with her appearance?
[bchan's daddy] says:
Woman and the fountain of youth!
Potatocouch says:
shes always going on about how we should be comfortable with ourselves... be natural.
[bchan's daddy] says:
China treatment is less expensive but only if the doctor/equipment is flawless...otherwise ..my god!
Potatocouch says:
so she did check out the doctor and all... right?
[bchan's daddy] says:
I guess she is connections..she did it after grandpa's birthday party.
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
*comes back--*
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
ROFL wow that's so weird! WTF mom;;;
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
middle-age crisis much?
Potatocouch says:
[bchan's daddy] says:
ask her yourself..
[bchan's daddy] says:
I shall take some pictures if she allows me..
Potatocouch says:
[bchan's daddy] says:
Do send us pics of your certificate. I shall send you pics of mom's hugely spotted face too :O
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
did the lasers 'help?'
[bchan's daddy] says:
The charred skins will hopefully fall off in about a week...like sunburn skin patches?
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
Mom is such a masochist.
[bchan's daddy] says:
Problems is if the colored spot are too deep, it may take more than one operation to burn it out. Ouch again :(
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
Is she in real pain?
[bchan's daddy] says:
Only at the operation.
[bchan's daddy] says:
Are you still keeping ungodly sleeping habits?
[bchan's daddy] says:
Your are too pale because you are never in the sun. Read under a tree. Stay away from the Toshiba...more.
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
The sun damages your skin! Ask mom, at this point she can't possible disagree. :>
[bchan's daddy] says:
Autumn sun is not that strong...you cannot fool D1! ;)
[bchan's daddy] says:
Have you tried to bring Toshiba out under a tree...like a pet dog? Need to peewee too...you know?
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
as for mom, I'll never understand how some people think that a few years of clear skin is worth 5 hours under a high-energy weapon and 30 days of looking like a leper
[bchan's daddy] says:
Normalize your life. The sun and skin tone will come into your life and spirit.
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
the mathematics do not work out
[bchan's daddy] says:
Only a week...the doctor advised..also some other friends experience
[bchan's daddy] says:
She asks me if I want to try too!!!!!!!!!
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
SORRY that insanity doesn't run in the family
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
lasers kill people, you know. I just watched a science fiction movie the other night.
[bchan's daddy] says:
Diff power ratings for the lazer d diff things. There is even lazer that penetrate intside us to burn up things.
[bchan's daddy] says:
She claims that there will no no regrowth og dard spots...though other places may crop up later elsewhere???? :'(
"Peace? I hate the word. As I hate Hell, all Montagues, and thee." says:
I hope they don't crop up again :(
aaaa but my daddy is so cute. Look at his little emotes! When he's IMs me to nag about sleeping on time, he actually does put broken-heart icons, and red-faced anger icons, moons, stars, and little strings of sheep;;;;;; He says he has to use them because he's a visual person, with no talent with words like
potatocouch and I. Personally, I think it just obliterates the 'annoying' factor of such messages.
but alas, it's back to building world-class airports for my dad, and back to building websites for me. Man, am I eclipsed by my father's shadow, or what.
Edit: From my dad: 'I am trying to send you pics of mom's face...maybe I shall succeed? Don't wait up for me though. Not urgent. I just used your card reader and downloaded into the computer.'
Edit2: Honestly my mom is just paranoid. It looks fucking painful, but not ugly at all. ......... AAAAAAAAAAAAA HOW CAN PEOPLE DO THAT TO THEMSELVES;;;; I would never submit;;;