Frank Miller's SPIRIT aka: That Bullshit

Jan 07, 2009 20:13

A friend of mine who is a Spirit fan and actually ENJOYED the movie (oh HE'S the one!) asked why I didn't and why I think Frank Miller ought to be ashamed of himself ( Read more... )

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granolademonic January 8 2009, 03:32:10 UTC
Color me not the least bit surprised; he's never written a good story, in my opinion.


tjtimebomb January 8 2009, 05:30:56 UTC
Year One is the shit!


granolademonic January 8 2009, 05:48:21 UTC
I barely remember it, but I doubt it'd hold up, for me at least.


tjtimebomb January 8 2009, 05:54:00 UTC
His daredevil stuff was fucking awesome too and I HATE Daredevil!

Year One holds up just fine for me . I love it cos it was a base for Long Halloween and Dark Victory


granolademonic January 8 2009, 05:55:25 UTC
See, I thought Long Halloween was wildly overrated.


tjtimebomb January 8 2009, 05:57:17 UTC
Oh ... then you must not like Batman .


What would you say is your favorite batman story IN COMICS! No cartoons or movies or any of that shit.


granolademonic January 8 2009, 06:05:43 UTC

I loved Arkham Asylum when I was younger but I'm sure it wouldn't hold up...

Killing Joke is just about perfect...

Yeah, I'd probably go with Killing Joke.


tjtimebomb January 8 2009, 06:09:25 UTC
Asylum is still good ... its one of the only morrison works i like. I dunno why his batman sucks so bad now i think he's just past his point of good writing .

Killing Joke is good and probably my favorite Joker story but not my favorite Batman story .


bastardchimp January 8 2009, 23:05:18 UTC
YEAR ONE is stupendous. Would've made a fanTAStic 1st film (although BATMAN BEGINS was just fine).

HOWEVER...Ya'll should read THIS:

It's Frank's script for the proposed YEAR ONE film he was going to do with Aronofsky.


...and NOT in a GOOD way.


tjtimebomb January 8 2009, 23:08:20 UTC
I may browse through that but if I read that whole thing after being told it was A) millar and B) not good ( which is kinda redundant after A. ) then the terrorists have won.


granolademonic January 9 2009, 01:42:47 UTC
I'll bite:

What is your favorite Batman story?

...after Schumacher's Batman and Robin, I mean.


tjtimebomb January 9 2009, 01:46:37 UTC
Long Halloween all the way dude!

great who dunnit murder mystery

batmans rogues gallery out the waaaazooo

great characterization

its damn near perfect.


granolademonic January 9 2009, 01:51:15 UTC
Maybe I'll re-read it someday.


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