Timeline: Week Three

Oct 20, 2011 22:05

Day 58: Monday
Intercom: Daemon reawakens in the Institute, but there's something badly wrong.
Breakfast: Daemon moves out into the institute to find out even more has changed than he anticipated, leaving him with a lot of questions. He ends up being joined by an upset Sakura
Lunch:After a shower shift, Daemon finds himself back in the cafeteria, this time joined by Taura who fills in a few more of the missing pieces about the changes he's noticed.
Sunroom: After Lunch, Daemon questions the Bulletin Board for some answers and accounts for some missing time. With new information to mull over, he ends up with Allelujah, someone else who's been in the Institute a while to talk about what's occured.
Dinner: Daemon is ushered back to his room and meets his new roommate Japan although the male gives his name as Honda Kiku.

NS 58: When Nightshift falls, Daemon is relieved to see his things from his previous time in the institute have been returned to him and he heads out to see if things have changed after dark. He doesn't get far when he bumps into a newcomer named Chipp and the intercom starts giving hints that there's interesting things afoot. It speaks of a soldier in the chapel looking for information on a mole, so the pair head upstairs, Daemon filling Chipp in on all he has to know about where he is and what happens after dark.

Finding Harrington, they press for information with a small amount of success. They discover that despite Landel being ousted, he still has some power here, as well as a spy within Aguilar's ranks. he also has the answers to the questions they need about how and why they're here and how to undo what's been done and return home. When Chipp's impatience wears on Harrington's nerves, the soldier sets the man's clothes on fire, giving Daemon another useful piece of information. Despite the staff's standard of their memories and powers being delusion, they're not as normal as they profess.

Day 59: Tuesday
Breakfast: Daemon seeks out the person from the board, Sora, who seems to be running the Arts & Crafts group now. Daemon tells him why he sought him out and asks for more information, as well as offering to join in and help where he can.
Sunroom: Daemon meets Renamon in the Sunroom and they share very useful information with one another. She fills him in on details about what's up, down, and outside the walls, as well as a little more information on Marc.
Lunch: Daemon is found by Chipp and they talk a little more about what happened the night before, as well as what to expect from here on out.
Sunroom: Daemon returns to the Sunroom with the intention of checking the Board for a note from Sora and bumps into Badou instead.
Dinner: Daemon returns to his room and jots down notes about what he learned today.


Day 60: Wednesday


Day 61: Thursday


Day 62: Friday


Day 63: Saturday



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