I've been gone a while. Unfortunately, I'm back. Lucky Me.
Here's what I did today:
~ visited Bloomy (high school sucks!)
~ skipped class (I'm a blatent idiot)
~ went to armoury square with Mal and Shanno
~ ate at PJ Dorsey's
~ stood in soundgarden for .928374923649 seconds
~ went to American Music Supply
*** My new favorite place!***
I had a freaking heart attack, ask Mal and Heather....
~ watched a 5+ year old kid get his/her hand stuck in a freakin pipe (gotta love the attentive and loving parenting skills of parental units... geez)
~ drove our new 1950 Chrystler Imperial (standard transmission is a tricky thing, my friends)
~ watched Star Trek Nemesis (not bad, not bad)
~ cleaned the pool
~ ate a salad and then some strawberries (good source of antioxidants!)
~ cleaned my room
~ passed out
~ fix necklace that I cut off...
~ wash cars
~ run to camp (ok, not run, drive)
~ sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
I love American Music Supply, let's just say Fender Heaven my friends!!! Oh my goodness they also had a gibson that is featured in the Spin video... that I'm now in loooove with... Gibson ain't bad, I'll give it a shot.
click this! (pretty close) I have an actual picture, but I don't have any way of posting it.
Anyway, they had a TON of fenders, they were so beautiful. I started to drool... haha no... yes... no
Usually when I'm ready to shut the fuck up, I end my post with pez = peace... mainly to express my feelings towards the approach of new ideas to replace the violence of war. Well... since the last time I posted we have...
officially entered a war with Iraq
"think" we have caught/killed Saddam
officially exited a war with Iraq
funny huh? well, not funny, just... weird
pez STILL = peace