The perils of being a man of integrity...

Aug 10, 2016 10:07

Here's what pisses me off about social media...

No, it isn't the mangling of the King's English. No, it isn't the overall level of ignorance (often willful) that people put on display for the whole world to see.

What pisses me off is the cowardice people exhibit. They'll get online knowing that they can say pretty much whatever they please because they will probably not suffer any consequences from their statements. Yes, you occasionally see some employee getting fired from their job after they've posted some vile, racist shit, and that's all well and good. But I'm talking about the "keyboard cowboys" and "internet tough guys" who'll post status updates or comments on other posts, talking more shit than a little bit, and doing it because they know that nobody will be able to punch them in the fucking mouth through the internet.

THAT'S what bothers me. People who wouldn't bust a grape in a food fight spouting off at the mouth (or at the fingertips, rather) as if they were some sort of Billy-Bad-Ass, when in person they wouldn't say shit if they had a mouthful.

Now please understand that I am *not* talking about those who have been rendered voiceless in society using the internet to finally be heard; no, that is a wonderful thing, and it pleases me to no end to see marginalized people making their thoughts known. I'm talking about the people (mostly guys, it seems) who want to hurl insults at people, say racist shit, and act like they're King Shit of Turd Hill, knowing that they can't get their ass whipped for their behavior.

I don't really have a good conclusion for this post. I would exhort people to not say things on FaceTwittBox that they would not say to someone face-to-face, but I think that such woulds would fall on deaf ears among those who are inclined to talk shit behind their shield of internet safety.
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