While you fix my wi-fi, I'm gonna learn you some shit...

Jul 08, 2015 19:39

We had a technician from EPB out to the Ranch today to address some issues we were having with our modem/router/doohickey, when the following exchange took place...

Techie: Boy, what about all that rebel flag flap?

Me: (Trying to telegraph that this probably isn't going to go like he thinks it will) Well, my wife and I are both openly bisexual, and we're also involved in social justice causes, too; the only flag we want to fly around here is that rainbow flag hanging on my amp.

Techie: (Apparently oblivious) I don't get it, you know? The flag has nothing to do with slavery, and never did.

Me: Oh, allow me to educate you, since you're here, you can't leave, and you had to open up this particular can of worms...

Me: *looks up the Cornerstone Speech on Wikipedia*

Me: *reads the Cornerstone Speech, pointing out the parts that clearly say that the Confederate government was built upon a foundation of racial inequality and subjugation*

Me: So you see, man? That's not just some random confederate jacknut pulling stuff out of his ass. That's the second in command, clearly pointing out that the whole damned thing... the confederacy, the Civil War, the whole shooting match, WAS, in fact, about slavery.

Techie: Dang... my history teachers never taught me that.

I hope I gave the guy some food for thought.
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