now its quarter after 3...still bored, and now yet another survey none of you care for!!!

Aug 25, 2004 03:12

can you roll you tongue: yea
can you raise one eyebrow at a time: only the left eyebrow
can you blow smoke rings: never really tried to
can you blow spit bubbles: nope
can you cross you eyes: yes
can you flop your eyelids out: eww
do you make you bed daily: ha, fuck that shit
what goes on first, bra or underwear: definitely fucking underwear.
which shoe goes on first: whichever shoe is closest to me
how much money is usually in you wallet:with job - about $30. without job(which i unfortunately am jobless now) - NONE.
whats sexiest on a guy: tight shirts (not gay tight), extra credit if its a button up or collared...and hair. hair is a must be good thing.
would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: depends on what the fuck i am going to

do you twirl you spagetti or cut it: twirl
how many cereals are in you cabinet: i dont have that little of a life to count during my spare time (but then agian..i dont know why i have little enough of a life to do this..)
what utensils do you use eating pizza: pizza is fingerfood. fuck utensils.
do you cook: somewhat

how often do you brush you teeth: once or twice a day
how often do you shower/bathe: once a day randomly..maybe skip a day but thats when i dont even feel like getting out of bed.
how long do these showers last: depends anywhere from 10-30 minutes depending on things like if i wash my hair, if i shave, have to be out by a certain time, etc
hair drying method: wrap towel around head for about 5 minutes, let it down, run towel like crazy through hair for like 20 seconds and then put lots of shit in it
paint your nails: whenever i get bored

do you swear: do you really have to ask?
do you spit or swallow: excuse me? lol i hope your talking food here..
do you spit in public: i dont really all..unless its something you cant swallow like mouthwash
do you pee in the shower: if i did that there would be no purpose in the showering part now would there be?

the cd player: taking back sunday, mix cds, equal visions sampler, something corporate, poison the well, my chemical romance, and lots more.
person you talk most on the phone with: i dont talk on the phone a lot but the longest conversation goers would have to be christin(without a doubt lol), kaylie, and josh
what color is you bedroom: pink. all out pink. with a lot of posters though
do you use an alarm clock: fuck, if i didnt id sleep all day
name one thing your obsessed with: gay answer - music lol
have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: no
ever sunbathed in the nude: no, i dont care to sunbath at all for that matter
window seat or aisle: window...i like sitting on the inside with anything
whats your sleeping postion: on my side
what kind of bed do you like: comfy, bouncy, quiet beds
in hot weather do you use a blanket: i always fall asleep without it..but in the middle of the night ill wake up and put one on, gauranteed.
do you snore: no..i talk in my sleep. try having a conversation with me - itll work.
do you sleepwalk: not too much, a few times i have
do you talk in you sleep: yes.
do you sleep with a stuffed animal: hmm technically yes. keelin gave me this moose thing from canada and i dont sleep with it but its on my bed.
how about sleeping wit the light on: i used to..but now that this computer is in my room i just use the light from this (yes-i am afraid of the dark, long story as to why, i think really only christin knows the whole deal with that lol. so dont make fun)

where do you see yourself in 10 years: with the person im spending the rest of my life with, engaged maybe already married, hell maybe even a kid, college graduate, music business(promoter hopefully)
how many kids do you want to have: 2-4..either way i want an even amount of each gender
your profession: some type of promoter in the music industry.
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