Rotton Algae; Homecoming

Sep 20, 2005 18:23

Okay...Let me start out by saying that Vonny smells sooooooooo freakin bad!!! I went to her room after school to see what I missed during 7th period, I almost puked! It smelled like old...nasty...rotton algae! Anyway, now that I got that out of my system. SGA met in the chorus room today during lunch, they were talkin about homecoming week and what the days were going to be. If I can remember right it was:
1- Spirit Day
2- Theme Day (Rags to Riches)
3- Creek Geek Day
4- Opposite Day
5- Twin Day
Now...Don't quote me on #5, but the rest I definately remember. I think homecoming will be fun this year!! Last year was disappointing, maybe this year I will have a date that I can dance with, and isn't rubbing up on other guys...oh well, it was a year ago, I am over that and ready for this year!!! I think seinor cross dress day is going to be freakin awesome! OMG, I can't wait!

I saw this in Megan's LJ...I answered the questions...It was fun! You should try it!!

Your Kissing Purity Score: 66% Pure

For you, kissing isn't a casual thing

Lip to lip action makes your heart sing
Kissing Purity Test
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