random work related shit with mention of ANIMALS

Sep 27, 2008 07:10

For starters, worried I'm not gonna get the job. But I prolly won't find out for months so its pointless to stress myself out over it, really. And even if I get it I'm still considering the airforce. So yeah..

That aside, the momma raccoon had babies months back, and apparently they're off on their own causing trouble; they've figured out how to open our dumpster and pull shit out of it.

Theres another coon running around that I only ever catch glimpses of, but the fucker is seriously the size of a german shepherd. Its HUGE. I didn't think they got that big.

They've also apparently gotten tired of climbing over barbed wire and have chewed holes through the fence, and bent them backwards to avoid scratching themselves. THEY'RE INFILTRATING THE TERMINAL! D:

I kid, actually I think some homeless guys are coming by at night and trying to get to the pipes just on the other side of the fence, or possibly find a dead tank to camp in. They're notorious for both of these things, but I found the holes because I've been tracking these coons and they're using them.

Speaking of which, they prolly have rabies which means they'll prolly call a trapper to get rid of the poor fellas. The babies have been coming out in broad daylight, which a coon doesn't generally do unless its A) sick. Or B) sick. Given that I've seen two of the critters get squished by a big rig, these things are losing out even if we do let them be.

That said, when I came to work a few days ago a water moccasin had the night guy cornered. It probably wouldn't have happened if he wasn't half blind, half deaf, and constantly being caught sleeping. But I got to feel like Steve Irwin for a few minutes when I caught the thing and released it out in the woods. Pretty proud of myself for that, considering I've only ever come across garter snakes back home, and I think moccasin's are poisonous so I'm prolly lucky I'm not dead. lol.
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