Dec 05, 2006 15:35
hey everyone. almost done with this semester. i am looking forward to christmas break. i will be making a demo with the band. we have 2 rockin' orginals now and are working on a couple more for the demo. it will be free for us to record and we will use it to give to venues in town to get some more gigs and we will sell them at our shows. i'm sure the songs will be put on myspace so when they do, i will post the link. they really do sound good. i'm not just saying that.
as for me, not much is new. just trying to make it through the last week of classes and then finals. not looking forward to finals. i think every one of them will be challenging. did i spell that right?
i got a new cell phone. it is the first one that i actually picked out myself. it is all black. it's an LG. i love it. my other one was a piece of crap.
i hope to get the internet over christmas break and i will update more.
adios, everyone. have a great day!