I am...? The Walrus?

Sep 20, 2006 17:06

A complaint? Here we go:

It's difficult to be part something and part something else.  One group accepts you and at times the other one does too, but every so often you're somewhat stuck in the middle or find yourself in an uncomfortable situation.  Do we lean to one side? Probably.  It's great that people are starting to go against racism or extremism in religion views, but they often forget to apply their beliefs to those who are mixed.  Don't judge me for not going to church every Sunday and don't judge me for being a Shiksa.  I wasn't Christened and no, I never had a Bat Mitzva.  I do good in this society too so quit the nonsense people! I can't change who I am and I wouldn't want to.


There we are, wasn't so bad.

"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, 
See how they snide...
I'm cryin."

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