Feb 28, 2005 03:20
so at what point, dear ladies, do i tell my thirteen year old daughter about the circumstances surrounding her mother's loss of virginity? the reason being: madison (the daughter) has been blowing off weekends with ang and i to hang out with her friends in springville where she (verified info) ends up at boys houses until who knows when? emily (the ex) was an enormous prick tease at the age of fourteen and consequently lost her virginity to date rape. following that, her next four sexual encounters were 1-consensual 2-date rape 3-consensual 4-not so consensual: a weekend spent locked up in a home in bountiful where a 31 year old psychotic degenerate named Mick bound, handcuffed, raped, mutilated areolas, partially bit off nipples, carved the word "whore" in her chest and penetrated every orifice a woman (young woman-she was 16) has with lit candles, utensils, razors (tore the shit out of her labia-the baby doc didn't think we could have kids cuz the birth canal had so much scar tissue) and other "fun" stuff, then left her to wander the street for a day or two completely lost and abandoned. that fourth one set the tone of emily's sexuality as she slept with 34 different people of different genders and races over the course of four years until i met her at the age of eighteen. so, do i put the fear of god (speaking metaphorically now-not religiously) in madison and expose her to the uglier side of good ole mom's past in order to stave off madi's hormonal endeavors? i couldn't live with anybody doing that to my babies. welcome to teenage parenting; jeannie good luck; aleta, there is more truth in the saying: have a boy, you worry about one dick; have a girl you worry about everybody else's. :(