Nov 29, 2004 00:01
Well its been a couple months since i've posted here, terrible on my part but i havent been home long enough to post anything...busy busy busy. Anyhow a lot can happen in a month, so i wont go into everything here, but i need to start trying to keep a better record of what goes on lest I forget. Today was pretty worthless. I say at home, ate some food, and wasted away in front of a computer screen for the rest of it. Now its 12 am and im still here, but whatever, i needed some time to myself for a change. School's almost over, and i havent done as well as i should
have, so im not happy at myself for that, but at least I'll pass and get my AA.
On a more somber note, I dont like to bitch, but its easy to bitch at a computer screen so here goes. Jill's been a little weird lately, and i cant quite figure it. Usually im good with that sort of stuff but this i've not encountered before, and i remain puzzled even after gathering some input from her closest friend. I wont put anything more here, so I guess i'll see how things go..
On to happier things, me and the guys got together last night for a little practice/jam at the warehouse. A few of our friends came and we all switched off and played different stuff. It was good stress relief to just play for a few hours and forget about everything else thats goin on. We've got a few more songs down, and with our new drummer we'll hopefully be playing out again soon.
Well thats it for now, ill try and keep this as up to date as possible, for myself, cuz nobody else ever reads this...peace