Not drinking, day 3! After getting past the first day it's not so bad.
Got the job at a holistic skin care place like, FIVE BLOCKS FROM MY HOUSE. Holy cow, to bike to work? That's been my dream for years.
Talked to my dad yesterday and I am going to start a garden this year. Here is the short strong list of reasons for that:
1) I spent $30 on a measly bag of veggies at the co-op yesterday. That is ridiculous.
2) My parents have ample room in their backyard, and a good chunk of it is already set up for a garden.
3) My dad has a SUPER green thumb. Literally the man can just look at a plant, and it sprouts. It's crazy. Coincidentally he's the best outdoor marijuana grower that my collective circle of friends know of. So when I asked my dad about it, he hummed and hawed for a minute and then goes "well we gotta rototill it and get it ready this weekend then." Which is Dad-speak for "I want to help you with this." YESSSS
3) I think
kreeeston and I are going to do some "buddy gardening". We are going to sit down this weekend and plot out our plants, and then do some exchanging. Example: she's gonna grow beets and I'm gonna do zucchini, I think. Then we trade and that way we aren't taking on too much of a garden project on either side.
Look at me, biking to work at a holistic health center and living in NW PDX and gardening! /walkingportlandcliche