May 15, 2011 19:50
I grew up in the same house i currently live in. In fact, outside of a college dorm room for 3 semesters, it's the only home I've ever known. I started elementary school in a school that is less than 3 blocks from here. I was the kid whose standardized test scores were through the roof, but who did poorly in class. One teacher commented on a report card something to the effect of, "Michael resorts to daydreaming or socializing with his neighbors rather than do his work." I somehow managed to barely pass each grade (at least in part because of the test scores I mentioned earlier). Third grade Was horrible. The teacher knew of me, treated me (and most of the class) like shit, so i fell even deeper into my day dreams...It wasn't that i didn't get it, i did all too quickly and got bored. During one Parent teacher conference I was so upset by her that i ran from the room and puked all the way to the bathroom. Another thing started that year - I started getting chubby. Late in the year it was announced that the school system was closing several schools, and mine was one of them. I would be going to a bigger elementary school for 4th and 5th grade... I was scared to death.
Over the course of that summer my family became acquainted with the lady who would turn out to be the main secretary at the new elementary school. I doubt she knew it but she quite possibly saved my life. A few weeks before school we asked her to find out who my 4th grade teacher would be, and to let us know what she knew about that person. It turns out it was supposed to be the teacher i had for 3rd grade, she had transferred with us. I was devastated, having Mrs. Drury again would kill me for sure, but Mrs. Tsintsarov came through for me and swapped me into the class of one Mrs. Mariann Borden. WHEW!!!!!
Of course me being a typical kid, I fell into old patterns fairly quickly and it looked like i was on the same path. Mrs. Borden saw what was happening, and saw that it was a focus and discipline issue, not an ability issue. She talked to my mom and got permission to keep me after class until i got my work done. I obviously didn't like that thought. I think that happened once... maybe twice. My grades improved dramatically, and i got chubbier. By the end of the year Mrs. Borden had nominated me to get into "horizons", the gifted/talented program at the school. So During fifth grade i periodically got to leave class and go do extra things with the "smart kids". The big thing i remember was Logo on the achool's APPLE II's...
looking back
during 3rd, 4th and 5th grade, I
*fell behind athletically
*got fat
*got geeky
*Started towards being noticably gay by developing stronger friendships with girls and getting drawn into some of their things (I remember stickers being the collector items of 4th grade... when i should have been doing something with a ball and other boys).
growing up