AFI---There I went :)

Dec 10, 2009 10:53's the run down of the AFI concert I went to. I know not too many people will be interested, but I know Joey'll want to know. But I'll put it behind a cut so I don't ovewhelm anyone's Friend's page. was FUCKING cold...wind chill in the negatives...but I had floor and I wanted a good spot, so my best friend and I drive down to Magness Arena three hours early, prepared to freeze our asses off until doors. But, Magness did something awesome that I'd never had done at a concert before...the let us stand inside!!!!! I about kissed the floor for that one :)

I guess to begin with I should mention that this wasn't part of an AFI tour per say. It was one of our radio station's here in Denver's Christmas thing called "Not So Silent Night."

So, we stand in a fairly toasty (except when someone else walked in the door) front area of the arena. FYI...Magness Arena is in the sports complex for The University of Denver and they were having a swim meet in another area of the complex. So we're all roped in while all these little kids are running around for the swim meet. You should have seen some of the looks on parent's faces...entirely too amusing ;)

So time for doors comes and we all know what a clusterfuck that is. But my friends and I get down there and sit like the happy security guards tell us to. My sister walked in a little late, but because we all had to sit down she had a fairly easy time getting to us.

First two sets are pretty uneventful. The first band (I Fight Dragons) were pretty interesting because they played music with Nintendo was so cool to watch. Say Anything had a pretty good set too...their really funny both when they're singing and when they're messing with the crowd.

SO...the intermission between Say Anything and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus happens. I turn a little ways to talk to my friend and when I go to turn around this chick and her boyfriend have somehow pushed their way into my spot. Now...I'm all of 4'10". I'd found this perfect spot between these two massive girls where I could see perfectly.

These two were so drunk you could smell it off of them. I stopped drinking 5 months ago, but holy hell, I'd been in BARS that smelled of less alcohol!! So, I was a little pissy. But, they were so drunk that all I had to do was walk sideways and it pushed them out of the way. So I was back to my happy spot and Red Jumpsuit came on. Good times....

Yeah right.

This chick thought that moshing means punching people around, yanking on hair and kicking. I don't know about you, but moshing to me means bumping each other around, moving as a whole group, etc. Yes, elbows sometimes end up places you don't want them to, a maybe the accidential fist. But this bitch kept hitting my sister, my friend and me, and her boyfriend was getting in on it to.

So, mostly because she was messing with my sister and friend, I grabbed the ends of her hair and let her bounce around and pull it herself. I know, bitch move, but she was fucking with my sister, and that won't fly.

Then, she full on punches my sister and I'd had enough. I grabbed a fistfull of her hair and yanked it back. She screams about way to pull her hair and I got up in her face looked in her eyes and told her 'If you touch my sister one more time, you're gonna wish I was just pulling your hair, got me?'

You have to understand how pissed off I have to be to resort to something like that. I have been in some serious pits before and I've gotten irritated but I have NEVER done something like that before! I'll talk big and bad, and I'll mean it, but I rarely if ever lose it enough that I actually follow through.

So now she's pissed and she gets her boyfriend and friend into it. So they start pummelling me with elbows and fists, so obviously I'm doing all I can to deflect them. This girl next to 'blonde bitch' as my friends and I referred to her, tells her that I hit her in the kidney. I'M FUCKING 4' 10" THE ONLY THING I WAS DOING WAS KEEPING MY ARMS UP SO I COULD STAND UP STRAIGHT!!!!!!! I didn't hit ANYONE in the kidney intentionally because I know that it hurts like a bitch!

So, I'm doing my best to keep their shots off of my face and the boyfriend has the balls to turn to me and tell me to back off and calm down!!! ARE YOU SHITTING ME! I look at him and tell him that if he hits me in the face one more time, I'd prevent him from having's that for calming down?

My friend and those massive girls that were in front of me had been complaining to the security guard about what was going on but he kept saying there was nothing he could do about it. EXCUSE ME?????? Anyone else out there ever heard of drunk and disorderly?????

So Red Jumpsuit keeps going and my jacket (my Decemberunderground Hoodie that I'd had since 2006 when the CD came out) had slipped off of me to the floor. I'd kept my foot on it but some jerk picked it up. I grabbed onto the sleeve and held on with everything I could until it was a choice between letting go or breaking my arm. I obviously let go.

The next intermission comes, and I'm completely seperated from my friends, I'd been pushed out of the way by the blonde bitch and her posse. So I'm back behind them and talking with another girl and she keeps saying she wants to move forward. I told her to watch out for those people cuz they'd intentionally hurt them. And then EVERYONE was getting in on them. It was funny really, because they were just pissing everyone off.

AFI comes on, and of course all hell breaks loose! But that stupid group only lasts 2 songs!!!! The little bitch can't handle it!!!

I couldn't tell you the set list (my memory sucks ass!) but I know they played Too Shy to Scream, Silver and Cold, He Who Laughs Last, and SO many songs I lost count.

About three or four songs in I feel these arms wrap around me. I'm scared shitless really, because yeah, I thought the ass hole had come back and was really gonna do some damage. So I whip my head around and the guy is smiling down at me and tells me he's just gonna try and lighten the load of people hitting me. I of course thank him profusely!

A few songs later I lose him but another guy and girl do the same thing and we move around to where we are able to see really well and it was AMAZING.

Jade and Davey didn't do much was kind of sad, but they were awesome with the crowd...AND WE DIDN'T HEAR ONE THING OUT OF THEM ABOUT THE ALTITUDE!

Davey tripped himself on their ego riser, he kept going but after the song told us it hurt...I'm sure, it looked painful.

I was sad to see it end of course...they were so amazing I'm at a loss for words to describe how amazing they were.

But, I turned around and thanked the couple profusely for the 'protection' and went to see if maybe the guy had turned my jacket in to security...he hadn't. So, of course I was a little bit irritated because I was in a short sleeve shirt with a hole down the back and without a coat. It was SNOWING and even more freezing than it had been earlier!

We walk up out of the arena and my sister says bye, I turn around and there's the dude with MY jacket. I turn to my two friends and tell them that he has my jacket, but he says 'oh no, it's my girlfriend's' I told him, that was interesting seeing as he was around a bunch of guys. He kept saying it was his girlfriend's and there was no security around, and I didn't feel like starting a throwdown over my jacket so I didn't. Just continued walking outside without my coat.

Luckily my friend's boyfriend allowed me to use his sweatshirt on the way to the car and I had a sweater in Angie's car.

I know it doesn't sound like it here, but I really did have fun, despite the bruised ribs, sternum, arms and face :)

Say Anything

The Setup

Jade during the set

Cool pic of Davey

All pics were taken by my friend, and hopefully she'll put up more soon, she got a ton of them :)

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