All Hail John Williams!

Mar 11, 2010 10:50

Ah, Spring Break. My little sister is in Magic Kingdom in Disney World right now, and I'm stuck up here.

I can't fully complain though. It's very peaceful and the weather is warming up. It's 63 out right now. I have the windows open and the sun is streaming in :D The only bad part is there is still snow everywhere, and where ever it's melted is all muddy and nasty, so I can't even go outside and read or do anything productive. So, while it's nice and sunny, I'll just stay and enjoy it from my windows.

Besides that, I have spent this break so far, re-reading the Harry Potter series. What compelled me to do it, I don't know, but last week at work, I was sitting at my computer when I felt a very strong urge to read the books again. I'm currently on 'Prisoner of Azkaban' which is my favorite book. (I have a weakness for Werewolf Professors alright? ;D).

I'm dreading getting to 'Deathly Hallows' though. I've only ever read it the one time right after it came out. I really need to read it again though. I just hope that by reading all of the series again that I'm emotionally prepared. *sigh* Sooo much confusion and death of favorite characters Jo! How could you!? T___T

But on a lighter Harry Potter note, if you've never watched the "Wizard People Dear Reader" videos on YouTube...


It's been ages since I've watched these too, and I've started again. I made the mistake of watching the first few in the library on campus. Let's just say it's quite hard to hold laughter in a quiet work zone when you hear things like 'sky leopard' and 'manly pape'.

I'm just sayin'...

harry potter, spring, video

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