Feb 03, 2005 15:32
you wish you could just go off in a fucking corner and die.
things should never be this way for anybody it fucking sucks u have no dad no life nobody to love you have nothing................. and you used to have something but u threw it all away thinking it would be better. u never visited ur dad causing him to practically commit suicide u always treeated ure girls like shit. fucking dumbass and now ure alone with nobody............you get to nervous to even wanna die..........and that happens often and u just dont want to live anymore after awhile................to much pressure has biult up and its gonna lead out into a knife or into somebody and either way it wont be pretty............................you wish you could forget the past and move on but it all has biult up and now it wont go away..........so now life is fucking shit nobody even cares you think to yourself..........and you have hurt people wtf is wrong with you ..............fucking asshole..........just go die