Apr 25, 2007 23:11
you ever feel like someone who you thought was very close to you ended up feeling like they weren't that close at all.
maybe it's just me.
the smartest thing for me to do is to talk to them but I don't think I can do that. I'm not entirely sure why. Some of it is because I think that they would take it too personally or disregard what I have to say at all.
when someone is close to you, you should be able to talk to them. It's weird that I can't. But then again I think that they probably wouldn't come and talk to me either but also they don't talk to me as it is anyways.
I don't know what to do.
Should I get rid of this person?
Should I talk to them?
Should I forget about it and go on with my life?
I don't know if i can do any of that.
Don't get me wrong.
This person is amazing.
But I don't know how much longer I can deal.
people are difficult.
most of the time those difficult ones are cut from my life.
I don't need tension or difficulty.
I feel that I deserve better.
I'm a good person and I would do no such thing to hurt someone and I don't understand why someone else would do the same to me.
what the hell?
maybe after a chat everything will be clearer.
but for now, i think that i should leave the difficult stuff out of my life.
i dont need that shit.