Jan 12, 2006 21:44
Watched some Brutal Clintzilla with Sean. Got shit loads of Taco Fat - rather gorged myself, and I now own a fucking Master Blaster! Brutal Taggery was had! Target has the master blaster on clearance for like 10 bucks but there's only like 10 of em... if you want one got here in the morning and get one!
I had a shitload of fun in a firefight (airsoft) between Corey, Trevor, and I, in Corey's basement. I got shot alot... about 30-40 rounds in my back on that last one. Pegged Trevor a couple times w/ 3 rounds to the face each... love my SPAS 12!
Now the interesting part of the night.
1st Mistake) I forgot to pull the cover over the back of my car where my loaded airsoft gear was stowed.
2nd Mistake) I went about 5 over under the bridge and got pulled over!
Cop's Mistake) He DID NOT ONCE glance in my car to notice the ILLEGAL NATO FIREARM he would have found there. (airsoft gun but it can still count under these circumstances)
That would have meant handcuffs and possibly worse since it was all loaded and stored improperly. The officer was nice though and didn't even ask for my registration just my license so he could jot down the warning info. The whole time I was terrified he walk by shine his flashlight in and notice... then it would be a gun pointed at my head (Sadly not the first gun pointed there either)
Now I sit with soda ~a~ plenty and listening to music... all in all... a fucking crazy night!