Feb 15, 2005 16:44
i think i'm gonna start updating this more often cuz i've been extremely bored lately...
orchestra in the morning... blah... i hate that. i'll be soooo glad next year when we have it for advisory. no more waking up at 6:00 to go to orchestra... gosh i hate that so much. and it's not even like worth going to cuz we only play for what feels like 15 minutes. she wastes so much time tuning people's instruments because our orchestra is so bad that a lot of the kids don't even know how to tune their own instruments. i wonder how any of them practice at home in tune... stupid... at least i don't have to wait in the line and get my cello tuned like most of the orchestra does. it annoys me... just to see that all those people don't know how to tune... and mrs. silverstone doesn't tune our instruments well neways so that's why i'd rather tune myself.
neways... math... i don't exactly remember what we talked about this time. i'm pretty sure we didn't talk as much as we usually do because we had a quiz or check up thingy. don't think i failed it for once cuz i've actually been doing some of the homework lately. for those of you who don't know, mr. iachini never checks our homework unless he really feels like it which is hardly ever, so a lot of times i just don't do it. i get enough from just listening during class. but sometimes it's hard cuz i have math first period and i'm still sleepy at that point.
science - we worked on our Utopia projects again in the computer lab. it was kind of boring but whatever...
resource - i was trying to read and it was very hard to because mrs. whitehead was talking really loud while i was reading and i have problems reading when there's only like one person talking around me. especially if they're talking loud. if it's a bunch of people then i can concentrate on reading because i don't end up listening to anybody's conversations.
social studies - we corrected some stuff and then we started a debate about whether execution should be allowed for kids 16-18 years old or not. i need some help coming up with some reasons that it should NOT be allowed. if u have any suggestions that would be good.
language arts - corrected grammar stuff and blah. i suck at grammar now. i was good at it till this year. i don't know. i was good at school until this year. now i'm like a badie and i procrastinate a ton and don't pay attention in class... but that's not on purpose... i mean the paying attention part. i think my ADD is getting worse. either that or i need more sleep to pay attention. o yeah, i've also been going to bed late too but i've been trying to break that habit. lately i've been going to bed around 11:00 which is an improvement. i was going to bed at times between like 12:30 and 2:00. so yeah.... i think that's about it for language arts.
gym - volleyball! i like volleyball. i used to be horrible at it but now i think i'm okay... i usually serve the ball over the net every time i just have trouble like judging whether or not to go for the ball. like sometimes it's near somebody and i think they're going for it but they're not and then they like blame it on me which i find stupid. today max (ellman) was doing all the blaming. i was getting pissed at him cuz he was taking it way too seriously just because it's the tournament. but just for gym. if it was an actually volleyball team, i'd understand that but he was being ridiculous. he's usually nice but i dunno. he kept yelling at us so eventually i yelled back at him and yeah...
art - i'm making little progress on my piggy bank... i think it's looking pretty good though... i'm not sure... but it's annoying me because every time i check it again the next day it seems like it's lopsided... and then i spend the period fixing it... so yeah... that's about it.