Dec 11, 2008 10:58
Sorry if this is a bit TMI but it is something I am concerned about. This morning Casey had some vaginal discharge as well as the other day. It has happened just a couple times since I have had her (7 years) So of course I get online and start reading about pyometra. However Casey was spayed as a pup although I did read about stump pyometra that can occur in spayed females. I wouldn't be concerned except one of the symptoms of it is increased discharge. Is a small amount normal? She is the first female dog I have ever had and every search I do comes out "OMG pyometra!" but I don't want to freak if this is a normal thing. It's 99% that it's nothing but I just want to find out if anyone else had has this issue. As a thank you for responses I will post a cute picture when I get back to my own comp :) Thanks everyone!