My mom just got a letter from the library stating that she could be in big trouble if they find out she's been making fradulant charges and claims against the library. Prison time! She was shaking, i was told, when she read the letter yesterday.
About a month ago the library decided to fix the alarm system during open hours in the morning, and consequently the alarm kept going off and annoying people for a couple weeks. Well one day there was a louder alarm going off that made it difficult to even talk to patrons. As it came from the security room right in the main lobby, my mom walked over to shut the door and muffle the sound. in doing so her ears were shocked by the loud noise and have hurt ever since, although the discomfort is slowly going away. She has been badgering our human resources director ever since but he seems very unwilling to help her at all. In fact he has been telling her that it was just a normal alarm, and that there's no way the noise could hurt her ears. An obvious implication that she's faking pain i.e. crazy woman. My mom has won two grievances made to the library, and she thinks someone has been told specifically to put the kibash on any other attempt to complain.
Since i was actually working that day i have to now testify on my mom's behalf. I don't really want to get into this whole thing, but i guess i will. I can't believe the library would treat their employees this way.
In other news, it's been mentioned that Ruby might live with us. I'm sure right now this is only an option she might persue if she's willing, so i won't go further into it. God knows she might as well be living here! haha. This is certainly the only way we'd be able to accomodate 7 people in a six bedroom house. Get your partners to move in! Terry is also having his girlfriend live with us in the spring time. Yes, soon we'll have our warren...
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