This Menominee transition has been hell at best. I'm finally starting to settle down, but I'm still hating it. Here's basically what has gone down in the past two weeks.
Sunday night, June 1st - after a much ridiculous break down, I was able to tear myself away from home, crawl into my car, and begin the drive down to Menominee. I had left several hours later than I intended, but it worked out alright. I hadn't really eaten much this day, seeing as though my nerves were on overload and I basically felt ill all day.
Monday - Wake up with the worst case of cotton mouth ever, and can't seem to get rid of it. Still feeling sickly as all hell, and the nerves were still going mad, so I couldn't really eat. Got to work at 2:30pm for orientation. I had to fidget almost the whole time because a) I felt like I was going to be sick and b) I really, really didn't want to be there. Orientation took forever, and by the time I got out on the floor, it was 4:00pm. Met my new boss, and started training with a lady named Karen (I should say "Karwen" because she's one of those people that says things in silly manners : P). Training was very boring, seeing as though I was just inspecting parts on one line, seeing as though the other line I was assigned to was down that day. Of course I was bored, and on the verge of a mental breakdown the whole time I was more or less not really doing anything.
Finally 6pm rolls around, and I take my dinner break. I grab a Chuckwagon from the wheel of nutrition (ie the vending machine) and head outside to the smokers area, where I chat with Deb, Louie, and Craig, all of whom I worked with last year. I ended up eating just a wee bit of the top of the bun on my sandwich. I get back to work, and I'm just feeling awful. I feel like I'm going to be sick at any moment. I keep trying to talk myself down, knowing full well my largest problem is the fact that I'm having one massive anxiety attack. No dice. I try to keep myself busy, but of course line 3 was running really slowly, so there wasn't enough parts to keep both myself and Karen busy.
It's about five minutes to 9pm (I was going to take my second break at 9), and I can hardly stand it. I tell Karen that I'm not feeling well and that I'm going to go sit outside. Now, Nissan is buried in the middle of the plant, and in order to get outside, I need to walk passed the Ford line, passed the lunchroom, go though the jog (big ass "road" kind of thing that contains many a piston casting, and several chip hoppers...the jog runs from the foundry through Briggs and Stratton, but the path leads all the way up to the front of the plant where Ford has the rest of its line and where GM is snuggled in), and then I'm outside.
Well, I never made it outside. By the time I walked across the isle over by Ford, I started seeing spots. Big black ones. I felt my face drain of color and feeling, and I panicked even worse than I already was. I though I was going to, for real, get sick. So I detoured for the bathroom, which is a long walk along the Ford line. More spots. My face and arms are numb. I get by the lab (girls bathroom is on the other side of the lab). Not gonna make it, and I knew I was going to fall. I turned around to knock on Lori's door for help (Lori = boss), but I couldn't. I more or less slid down the wall, only gently bumping my head on the way down. I come out of the black out a few seconds later, to be asked by (I believe it was) Dutch, who was working on the Ford line, if I was okay. I shook my head no, and she ran to call the first responder. Karen shows up, very concerned, just as Jesse, the first responder shows up. Karen went to refill my water bottle, but of course our lunchroom was out so she had to run up to MIR. So Dutch and Jesse are waiting there with me, and waiting, and waiting. Finally Karen comes back. So I take a swig of water, and I slowly stand up. With Jesse on my left and Karen with her death grip on my arm on my right, we begin the long walk up to the nurses station. Doo di doo. No more spots, but I feel like a bag of shit. The whole time Karen won't let go of my arm and is trying to basically carry me by it. She means well, but it was completely unnecessary. Into the nurses office we go. Jesse throws some oxygen on me, and begins the barrage of questions as he's trying to get my pulse and blood pressure. Of course I tell him that I haven't really eaten in the passed day or so, and that I had a terribly nervous stomach, hence why I couldn't eat. He couldn't get the little pulse thinger to read my pluse, and he was having a hell of a time getting my blood pressure. In the mean time he calls an ambulance (an ER trip is protocol at KSU for such an episode as mine), sends Karen out to watch for them, all the while I'm sipping my water and answering all his questions.
I don't get one, but TWO ambulances. Everyone pours into the tiny office. Again they're trying to take my pulse, and my blood pressure. The main ambulance guy takes a look at what vitals Jesse could get off of me, and makes a remark about how my vitals are better than his : P They debate on which truck I should ride in, they decide, and then escort me into one of them. They wanted to stick me on a stretcher, but I had to save whatever dignity I had left. I walked to the damn ambulance, and didn't see any spots. In I went. The main guy was driving, and I had two lady EMTs in the back with me. One of which was sporting the sweetest fucking mullet ever. So we chatted, I called my dad so he could meet me at the ER. Did I mention the mullet? In all honestly though, these people were sweet as all get out. So, we get to the ER. I walk in. Could have swore I saw my mom's ex-fiance. Not that I care...the bloody bastard. I get put into a room that has three portions. I get to be in the area furthest from the door. In the one closest to the door is a very elderly lady who, by the sounds of it, was on her death bed. I get to put on a sweet gown and have four cold sticky things attached to me so they can hook up the vital monitor things. My dad shows up. Soon a bronchitis patient comes in with complaints of coughing to the point where she broke a rib. She just bruised it and left soon after the x-rays. They then took the elderly lady elsewhere with her preacher. My dad keeps making lame jokes and being a general doofass to keep me smiling and from breaking down. Not to mention he's checking out all the nurses and keeps hitting on them *eyeroll* So I get a giant syringe of blood stolen from me, and then they start feeling me a gallon or so of saline, so I can pee in a cup. I think my dad offended one of the EMTs (her name was Mickie and wasn't one of the ones who came to KSU) by hitting on her. So the nurse shows up just as I drain the last of my saline bag. I still don't have to pee. So we wait. Doc tells me that my blood sugars aren't too bad (70 something? I can't bloody remember...the low side of normal anyways). Still waiting for me to have to pee. Ooop! Gotta go! *Pushes the call button* ... *Waits for the nurse* ....*Waits some more* "Push it again!! *giggle*" *Pushes* Mickie comes in, looking quite cranky, and asks if I need anything. "Yeah, I gotta pee!" So I do my thing, and pee the weakest bit of pee ever, but I did what I had to do. Results? I was dehydrated and *gasp* needed to eat more. *Facepalm*
Long story short. The ER blows. Can't wait to see the bill for getting told what I already knew. Granted, that bag of saline was mighty tasty. Still had cotton mouth though...
After I was released, dad drove me back to work so I could pick up my keys and orientation papers (it was 12:30pm or so). Got my shit, and hopped into my car, and dad followed me home in his truck. I ate some pizza and went to bed.
Tuesday! - Still felt like a bag of shit, and should have stayed home, but I went to work. Made it through the day! Though I was cornered by the nurse within the first hour and was scolded for being too skinny and telling me that I needed to eat more.
The rest of the week - fairly uneventful. Was feeling better each day. Friday was a bit dull, seeing as though both of my lines shut down at 9pm so they could clean out the washer tanks. I had two hours to do basically nothing. Rawk?
That weekend - I lazed about, and felt pretty good.
Monday - Wednesday, pretty uneventful.
Thursday! - More anxiety attacks, YAY! Almost left work within the first half hour of being there, I felt so sick. I managed to settle down sometime after four. Until then I was all lame and crabby and freaking out. Then "Grandpa" and I had a little kid yelling match. What a riot. Jeff (Grandpa) works in Cell 2 with Larry (I work in Cells 3 and 4), and Jeff is a blast. He's just as retarded as Cam and I are. Larry is pretty badass as well. I talk to him about photo stuff and about MQT and various other random things. So I had tantrums with Grandpa and had good chats with Larry. Was picked on by Kyle (one of the techs, fun guy) and the other tech who's name I still need to learn. Ate dinner, felt pretty damn good. Took a break at 9, ate the rest of dinner, and felt like shit. I spent the last two hours of work trying not to get sick. I succeeded. I left work, and started driving. I felt like I just needed to cruise, so instead of heading straight home, I turned right to go to downtown Marinette. I ran a red light somehow. Didn't know it till I was over half way through. Luckily it was a 3 was light, one that hardly anyone ever uses, and after 11pm at night, when no one is really on the road. Doo di doo. So I continue over the interstate bridge, and go into Menominee. As I'm driving around, I realize that I'm far too retarded for these driving antics. So I more or less head in the direction of home. In the mean time, I detour slightly so I can drive passed my old house. I felt like just pulling in the driveway, but of course that wouldn't do! It would be incredibly awkward to do so : P So I finish heading home.
Friday, yesterday! - Work went well. Had fun even though Grandpa and Larry weren't around because their line was down. Kyle was picking on me, calling me "Mrs. Potatohead" because I was wearing my "Drop it like it's hot" Mr. Potatohead shirt. He even got Jamie (the guy who runs cell 4) in on it *eyeroll*. Nameless tech kept drawing random faces on my water bottle. I am continuously weirded out by the guy who runs cell 3, John. He's one hell of an awkward human being. Seems nice and all, but yeah. Weird. So it's nice to have the distraction of the techs : P So I got out of work, headed to the bank, filled up my gas tank, and went home. Yay for a paycheck! Took a shower while my dad checked my car's vitals (tire pressure, oil...). I ate, packed, and off I was for Marquette! I just get in Menominee, and my check engine light comes on. WTF? Shut off the car, turn it back on, and its gone. Get up to M35, get up to speed, and its back! Again I pull over, shut off the car, and restart. Gone. Not 10 miles away, again the bastard is on! So I stop AGAIN. It's off...and then back within 5 miles. I say fuck it, and don't pull over again till Escanaba. I figure it is probably my gas cap (it's rusty, so it doesn't always close 100% right after I fill up). So I get out, tighten it, restart the car, and I'm off! I'm good until I start going 70 just passed Gladstone high school. On again! So I do what any frustrated, non-mechanic person does. I flip off the light and keep driving. The car wasn't acting up, so I didn't worry too much. Made it safe and sound. I'm going to make Cam look at it though before I leave tomorrow.
So here I am, Saturday. I arrived roughly at 3:30am, cross-eyed and sleepy-retarded. Very happy to be home and off the road! I slept a little, and now I'm sitting here, eating chex-mix. I really should eat something worth while. That means I must cook! Oh my...
: P
Oh and just so we're clear about what I do for a living: I check and handle thousands of parts each and every day. Well, Nissan piston parts, heh. I make good money for being bored. Hurrah?
I've been typing for 2 fucking hours. I'm done now.