Hello, people in LJ-land. Sorry for the lack of updates, but the evil demon-sibling has been hogging my internet connection - and I've been spending four hours a day working on the yearbook. Luckily, at the moment, I'm merely waiting on a picture, a speech, and a graduation announcement, and then the book will be finished! *dances* except for the proofs, that is...
Oh, yeah, and I took my computer apart last weekend because
lesser_mook told me I was perfectly capable of installing a Firewire card/ports all by myself. (He was wrong. I don't deal well with small screws and such.)
So, what have I been up to? Last Wednesday, I went to a performance of Carmen (in English) at the Rep. I now want to play Carmen, or, at the least, be able to make men fall in love with me by singing.
Thursday, I found out that my top wisdom teeth will be removed on July 22nd. To make myself feel better, I bought an omnibus of The Chronicles of Narnia and FotR: EE. (Yay for neighbors who give $50 Borders gift cards for graduation.)
Friday, Michael and I left when it was perfectly sunny, picked up my Firewire card thingy (for my iPod, which I don't actually have yet), checked out the pets at Petsmart, then drove home in the pouring rain.
I did nothing on Saturday and Sunday. I think. I really don't even remember.
Yesterday, I hung out with Michael - we went swimming in his exceedingly cold pool, watched a bunch of episodes of Family Guy, and played a seventy-minute-long timed match of SSBM (during which I came in second out of three).
Oh, and I still don't have a job. The library turned me down. Grrrrr. I don't care if I would've been shelving books and dealing with annoying small children, it still would've been better than Wal-Mart. I really don't want to work for the Evil Empire, but it's better than nothing. I'd rather like to have money this fall, you know.
I'm also busy laptop-shopping. Mmmm, pretty laptops. Apparently, the entire campus is going to be wireless, so I need one with a wireless card. *glee*
*laughs uncontrollably*