Jul 24, 2006 04:19
So....it's about 3:20 in the morning....if you can't tell, I'm out of sleeping pills. Yeah, there is nothing to do this early. There isn't even anything on TV. Well.....there is this one wrestling show....but....ew...no....I won't watch wrestling no matter how bored I get. :P Sorry Justin. Anywho, yeah, I'm a tid bit hyper. >.>....there are some straaaaaange people online at this time of night......like...creepy pedophile type people....seriously...damn....it's really gross when someone twice your age hits on you. Internet "hookups" are retarded in the firstplace. Sorry Amy. But, seriously, it's like "Mmmmm, baby, your pixels are sexay!" >.>....I prefer to kow the person in real life, not hook up with them because they have nice pixels. You know what, that is gonna be my new "Stephi-ism". As soon as Jerrin wakes up, I'm gonna text him and say "Mmmmm, baby, your pixels are sexay!" xD!!! It'll be hillarious. OH! And I won't tell him what I'm talking about until graduation....revenge for that retarded coconut on the left....*shakes fist angrily* damn those coconuts...and their leftyness...ness...T_T he won't tell me untill graduation!!! I'm gonna 'splode!!! WHAT DOES "COCONUT ON THE LEFT" MEAN?!?!?!?!?! ARG!!! Ooh, I'm a pirate now. haha, Arrrrrrrg. NOw I'm gonna play Pacman. O_O!!! DUDE!!! PACMAN AS A PIRATE!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!! I have to tell Jerrin about that too....cuz we are gonna be idiots and run around Downtown Austin in Pacman suits. I'm gonna be Mrs. Pacman, and he's gonna be Pacman, and we're gonna get people to be the ghosties. Lila has to be one....and probably Amy P.......O_O MEAGN WOULD WANT TO DO IT!!! Hey, Amy Jo, wanna be a ghosty? Haha, that reminds me, I was at Lisa's house one day, and she was trying to make her bed, so she threw her white blanket on me cuz I was sittin on the floor playin' Mario (like a cool kid), and so then, I ran around the house bein' a ghosty and it took her forever to get her sheet back. xD!!! Good times, good times.....It is friggin' cold in here....GAH! It's like I like in Antarctica! BRING ON THE PENGUINS!!! O_O!!! PENGUIN'S ARE SECRETLY EVIL!!! THEY EAT BABIES!!! But I still wuv 'em...>.>....<.<....I should probably calm down...not cool down, I'm cool enough...in both senses of the word. 8) Hahaha. Ugh, I am hungry! *ninja's away to find food* HAHA! I found TWINKIES!!! And while I was up, I found my fuzzy blanky, so now I'm all nice and warm. My coffee maker scared the crap out of me! I guess I accidentally flipped the swich to auto earlier, cuz it started to gurgle because the timer is still set at 5 AM from when I had to wake up EXTREMELY early a couble days ago...but yeah, it's 5 AM now...according to my coffee maker....I think it's a little off though, it's probably only 4:50. So, I never niticed how many strange noises my house makes in the middle of the night. There are strange popping noises coming from the kitchen.....and strange creaking noises coming from the hallway. And to top it all off, the air conditioner just came on and I jumped about 2 feet backwards!!! >.< Anyways, my mom is going to wake up soon, so I have to go to my room. No more rants for today (hopefully)