May 25, 2008 10:52
just woke up from the most vivid dream I've had in a long time.
at one point i was across the street from a mall parking lot where a group of my friends were hanging out. then this girl with pink hair walked by and they were all hitting on her trying to get her number and what not. then she crossed over to my side of the street where I was packing for a camping trip with a group of female friends. and i was like "alright watch this"
so I run up along this girl and I'm all "I don't usually do this but blah blah can I have your number" then immediately I was transported to a park.
at this park I was hanging out on the jungle gym when a couple dudes came my way and we were all singing an Early November song (from the album Beau made forever ago in highschool) and this song was just pumping in from the heavens. it seemed like every tree was magnifying this sound, acting as speakers. then I realized "wait. this is a dream" so I started walking away and they were making gay jokes or something (not towards me, just making them) then when I reached the end of the park I woke up just in time to catch the last stanza of the song. (it was playing on my ipod hence "the music from the heavens")
I forgot just how vivid my dreams are when i don't smoke herb.