(no subject)

Feb 07, 2005 18:22


›What people call you› Jeff,or Nad
›First breath of air› July 21,1989
›Age› 15
›Astrological sign› Cancer
›Living arrangement› I live with my grandparents currently
›Hair color› brown
›Eye color› blue
›Height› 5'8
›Glasses or contacts?› supposed to be glasses,but i never wear them
›Freckles?› none really
›Birthmarks?› none
›Located› Grandparents house,Robinson Texas
›If you could move anywhere, where would you move?› have no idea
›Any unique talents?› I'm an awesome musician,um,i can do this weird thing with a pencil and my cheek,where i can play songs by tapping my cheek,andy song,lol.
›Name 5 bad habits› Hm,lazy,on the computer too much,too hard on myself,don't know what else.
›Name 5 good habits› I drink water exclusively for the most part,I don't get in trouble,responsible,dependable,don't know another one.
›Have you ever gone on a diet?› nope
›Ready for more or not?› don't know

((*The Family Life*))

›Do you live with both parents?› no
›Do you get along with your parents?› sometimes
›Any siblings?› 1 brother
›How old are they?› 13
›What are their names?› Matt
›Do you get along with them?› not really
›Any pets?› yeah
›What are their names?› Saturn and Ninny
›If you don't have any pets, what would you want to have, and what would you name them?› don't know
›Ever wished that you had a different family?› at times
›If so why?› Because they can be stressful.

((*Hell for Everyone*))

›What grade are you in?› Sophomore
›What is the worst memory of school?› i'm not really sure
›What is the best memory of school?› hanging out with julie
›Were you a bully or a sweetheart to everyone?› sweetheart
›What do you think of nerds?› they're alright
›Were you one of the people that was involved in everything at school?› not all
›Were you involved in any activities outside of school?› music stuff
›Were you honored for anything in school?› yeah
›If so, what?› Music related stuff
›Favorite teacher› Mrs.Broaddus
›Worst teacher› Not sure
›Favorite subject› Music
›Least favorite subject probably Algebra
›Did you ever get in trouble for slacking off?› yes
›How many detentions have you had?› none


›Do you have a crew that you hangout with regularly?› usually
›What is the best thing about being with your friends?› I have lots of fun,and care about them
›How long have you known them?› as far as a true,deep friend,probably julie.

›Describe one of your friends›
Julie-The most wonderful person in the world.Shes beautiful,intelligent,funny,caring,understanding.A truly exceptional and wonderful person,whom i care for bery much.I love you Julie!

Rachel-Also a great person,shes is so awesome.Shes always been there for me,and i her.I care about her so much,i'm going to be very sad when she leaves for college.But,i know she will always have a place in my heart,and i'll never forget her.She'll always be my friend.I love you Rachel!

Jeremy-A great friend.He seems to have all the answers to my questions.Hes my go-to guy,and hes an awesome friend.I'd be lost without his words of wisdom.Your awesome Jeremy.

›Who would you say that you have known the longest out of all of your buds?› well,christin probably,but as far as my best friends,julie.
›Do you think that you have trust worthy friends?› oh yes,of course
›Out of all of them, who do you concider the mother of the group?› hm,rachel i guess,lol.
›Out of all of them, who do you concider the baby of the group?› have no idea
›Who is one of your friends that you could never ever get tired of? Julie,or Rachel
›Who is the loudest of all?› hm,cody?
›Who is the shyest of all?› none really
›Who is the most outgoing?› Ryan Hunter maybe.
›Would you ever leave your buds for a girl?› never.Friendships are much more valuable than romantic relationships.

((*Love n Relationships*))

›Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?› no
›If you aare single, describe your perfect guy/girl› a great friend,there for me,cares for me,enjoys spending tome with me,funny,intelligent,just a truly wonderful person,who is kind and understanding.
›What do you think about true love?› Its a great and wonderful thing if you are able to find it
›What do you think about love at first sight?› I think you can definitely be attracted to someone at first sight,obviously,which may bring you together,but to fall in love,and know that you are in love,you need to truly know the deeper nature of that person.
›What is the first thing that you notice about the opposite sex?› personality,how they treat others.


›Number› 21
›Season› summer
›Month› July i guess
›Holiday> Christmas
›Thing to do› be with my friends
›Movie› Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,Phantom of the Opera,and Napolean Dynamite.
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