So I entered the concerto competition at PCC and won. That's cool. I will be performing with the PCC Orchestra on April 28th. That's pretty neat, i think. In fact, I'm really stoked about it.
Right now I'm sloging through another busy semester. I never thought I would say this, but there is too much READING! I love reading and I am close to being overwhelmed. And now my women's history teacher is adding another book to the load. Oy!!! h well. At least I'm gettin a lot of stuff out of the way. Unfortunately I missed music department deadlines for transfer to a 4-year so I'm stuck at PCC for another year at least, but at least I'm ready to go. Here's hoping when I do go that I go where I want.
On the love front life couldn't be better.
singersoul and I just celebrated our two year anniversary (I love you honey) and we're still going just as strong. So here's to many many more years of that.
And that's about it for what's going on in my life. Any of you Los Angeles types want to come see me, there's the concerto concert, or I'm playing with the Glendale College Jazz Band at the
MBar in Hollywood on the first Tuesdays of April and May. Come on down and watch us. There's a $10/person food minimum, no cover or drink minimum. We go on at 7:30 and play about two hours. It'd be great to see some more faces there. Thanks for reading, and I'll talk to y'all soon.