Nov 10, 2005 22:21
Pick a ‘FANTASY’ name rather than your own: Mega-Man
Listening to any music: Not at the moment
When were you born: October 9th
What is your starsign, and what typical qualities of this sign do you possess: I'm a libra... I don't put much behind the whole "starsign" stuff. Its all b.s.
What qualities I need to feel safe: Emotional comfort (?)
What kind of mood are you in? Bouncy. Wondering exactly what I did this evening...
What’s the weather like round your area: Cold, just the way I like it.
Who is in the room with you: My cat Luke
What are you wearing: My "No-Flash-Photograph" shirt, some Khaki's, Socks, Boxers.
What is your make up like today: Doesn't apply. I am wearing my contacts though.
Hair colour: Medium Brown
Hair length: To the tops of my ear.
Hair style: Messy
Eye colour: Blue
Shoe size: 9 - 10
Height: 5'7
Occupation: I'm a hustler baby XD
Hobbies/pastimes: Surfing the net, Lazertagging, bowling, building models, walking around for an hour at the mall, driving like a mad man...
What colour is your bedroom? White w/ Blue trim.
Do you have a double bed? Yep.
How large or small is it? A Full sized bed.
What is your favourite item of furniture? My "Gaming Chair". I've beaten countless videogames while reclining in this chair.
What kind of posters are displayed upon your walls? A Terminator 2 poster and a "Curly for President" poster. Also some random street signs I stole. 0_o
When was your bedroom last decorated? Two weeks ago.
Where did you buy your furniture? Didn't buy furniture.
Do you have candles? No... I need something though. Maybe some incense or something.
Have a calendar this year - No. Thats what my sidekick II is for.
Do you live in a - house/bungalow/flat/apartment/villa/castle/other: House.
Have you ever moved? Once. Probably will again very shortly.
Do you have a job? Nope. -_-
Can you see yourself achieving what ever ambition/career you choose? Out of sheer determination, yes.
What kind of person are you, personality wise? I'm... wise. I often give advice and people look up to me for my "adult-like" perspective. Brits party was a great example of that.
What are your annoyances? People that cut you off on the road. That, and the people who don't ID me to buy cigarettes.
The kind of people you love: Energetic and Outgoing people.
Are you a morning or night time person, and why? Night. More quiet and Peaceful.
Your best girl-mate: Stephanie.
Your best guy-mate: Landen. (Since Josh is gone -_-)
Your phrases/words you say a lot: "No." "Its a tad-bit nipplily out here..." "Are you smuggling tick-tacks, or just happy to see me?" "Oh i c."
What do you require in a friendship? Loyalty above all else.
Do you cry easily? Not really.
Are you religious? I don't take any one religion to be 100% correct, so no. I believe in God though.
Do you smoke? On occasion. No cigarettes, no pot
Do you drink? No.
Ever done drugs? No.
Describe your best drunken experience: Won't happen. Why would I want to lose all control over my body and forget what I did the following day?
What do you drink? Pepsi.
Do you own a mobile phone? Yep, my sidekick II (Sweet Suzy)
Do you read often? Uh.. When I have to
What book are you reading? None.
What book do you plan to read next? Some college textbook.
What was the last movie you watched? Full Metal Jacket
What was the last meal you ate? Spagetti and Meatballs.
Do you write, poetry or stories or songs etc? I write fanfics from time to time.
The most obvious question, are you single or involved? single, not looking.
If no, do you wish you were in a relationship, and why? It depends.
Do you have crushes? Yep.
How many people have you loved? 2 (outside my family)
Are you in love with anyone now? No.
What is the most romantic thing someone could do for you? Anything I haven't done before.
Do you appreciate romance? Yes, I do.
Are you really romantic, and if so, in what ways? Um.. I'm just Kinky.
Most sexually complimented part of you (physical or non): My chest / butt
Are you gay, straight, or bi-sexual? Straight
Would you say you are open-minded about your sexuality? Yeah.
Personality - what kind of guy/girl do you go for/you like: Fun and outgoing, willing to try new things.
Appearance - Average I'd say.
What would you want your love interest to be interested to you: Don't understand the question.
Is it important that they have a lot in common with you? Of course. If not, there's nothing to talk about in the akward moments.