Name: Remember
Rating: R because.
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Buffy, Jack/Ianto, Buffy/Spike, Tosh/Adam, one-sided feelings Owen/Buffy, Faith, Owen, Xander, Anya, Gwen, Rhys. Referred to: Libby (OC), Martha.
Summary: Intermission, set between
Magic and Mayhem and
Vampires, Demons and Torchwood. Adam plays havoc with the combined Scoobies and
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Dude, you do not realize how happy I am to see an update for this. There was this huge rain/ice storm where I live and I'm one of the 11,000 people that lost power. I haven't had internet since Thursday. I think it's time to admit I'm an addict if the withdrawl symptoms were anything to go by. The power still isn't even back. I'm spending the night at my aunt's so I don't freeze to death.
My rant aside, great chapter. I love that Spike called Rhys. They never mentioned what happened with him in the show. He met Adam.
Can't wait for more!
*runs to huddle under blankets and catch up on days of missed fics*
I'm so glad you liked the chapter though. There will be more tomorrow, most likely. Or later. Probably tomorrow.
-offers big bar of chocolate and a cup of hot chocolate tokeep you warm-
Thanks for commenting =)
This is truly awful. And I'm not supposed to get power back until Monday or Tuesday. And I have finals Monday and Wednesday! This isn't fair!
Would posting the Remember Epilogue cheer you up?
What finals? Do you have internet-based research to do? :(
College. It's my first year. Finals week. Fun! Not.
You need internet to cheer you up around finals. Must really suck to not have it =(
I'll post the epilogue now :)
Finals are icky. And I needed the internet to see where my Journalism final is on Monday.
And EEP! Oh dear! :( Did you find out now or will you not know?
-offers hugs-
What happens if she hasnt?
Oh dear :(
That must really suck. Lack internet ftl :((((
This is not the way to keep me calm before my first college finals week.
Just gotta think about the month off. The beautiful month off.
I want a month off. I'm studying for exams, myself. Sucks. Not toooooo bad, though, since I have a home tutor who is very leniant lol. Still sucks.
-sighs too-
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