FIC: Magic and Mayhem at the Rift (16/?)

Jun 25, 2008 13:02

Name: Magic and Mayhem at the Rift
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Buffy/Spike, Xander/Anya, Willow/Tosh, Gwen/Rhys, implied Owen/Faith
Warning: Crossover insanity, the presence of vampires and demons on the rift and some mature content. Character death (sort of).
Summary: The gang from Buffy come through the rift.  Set after Torchwood episode Meat ( Read more... )

fandom:btvs, fandom:crossover, fandom: torchwood, fanfic, verse:magic and mayhem, series:magic and mayhem, crossover: btvs/torchwood

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RAIN! bellydancerakn November 1 2008, 16:14:15 UTC
- “It does sometimes,” Ianto pointed out. “We sometimes have a whole day without rain.” He restrained himself from grinning when Xander looked stricken.-

ROFL! Sorry I just discovered this series now in October and am on "Vampires, Demons, and Torchwood Oh My" now but I just had to make a comment, this totally reminded me of a girl from out of state.
I do live in the USA but I also live in the PNW in Washington where this is so totally true as well. I was touring Evergreen College (which is set in the middle of the forest) and there were a couple of kids from Cali and Wash DC and places of the like and of course it was raining. So we all go into this board room and are talking to the counseler and this little blonde thing with brown skin and shorts and a tank top is shivering and looking at us pasty natives in T-shirts and Capris like we're crazy. She looks at the counseler and says something along the line of "Jeez it's raining a lot", I of course have to clap a hand over my mouth to muffle the giggles while the counseler just smiles saying "Oh this is nothing. It's washington state it rains here three quarters of the time." I speak up and correct him "No it rains 99% of the time. Even when it's sunny and warm it's at least sprinkling, we natives just don't notice it. Frankly a sunny day with no rain is a rare day." She just looks at me in horror.
Yeah sorry that comment really connected with me I'll go away now.


Re: RAIN! bassair November 1 2008, 16:19:20 UTC
LOL! It really rains that much? Eep! I love rain but I dont think I could cope with that.

Please don't go away, I love random stories like that! Especially funny ones and I love knowing someone is reading my fic!

How far through V,D&T are you, out of interest? :D

Thanks sooo much for leaving such a fun comment :D


Re: RAIN! bellydancerakn November 6 2008, 00:09:43 UTC
Yeah it rains that much, or at least it used to, now with global warming it rains less in summer but in the fall, winter, and spring it's true (there were some weeks where I never thought my feet would be dry again lol.)
And I just finished V,D&T, I've actually finished the whole series and am now waiting on updates for Remember.
And yippee somebody who can endure my rambling, ADHD blonde with a sweet tooth and serious caffiene addiction...I could put The Doctor to shame lol!
But I love this series when I first started reading fanfic it was Buffy and Angel fic so yeah! Hmmm are you going to bring people from the later years in Angel like Cordy and Fred? That would be cool. So good luck keep writing LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOVE your fic!!

P.S. I even love your ships there are alot of people who do very odd ships like Xander/Spike and yeah that just stretches my brain a wee bit too much.


Re: RAIN! bassair November 6 2008, 00:13:04 UTC
I have just updated Remember :)

lol! Ramble all you like. I'm all ears. Feel free to PM me and ramble if you like! :D I like talking to people

I started with Harry Potter fanfic, then moved on to Buffy, then Spuffy, then Torchwood. lol.

As for Fred or Cordy or someone. Cordy, no, I couldn't do the character justice. Fred I couldn't write either, I think, she's too brainy. Gunn might be fun, but it would be awkward with him talking at Angel about stuff like Connor and Angel being like "Wtf are you on about?" lol.

AAAAND Have you read Come What May?

-takes breath-

As for "Spander". No. No. No. My brain won't stretch that far either. -Shudder-.

Same as Faith/Buffy. Can't do that either.


Re: RAIN! bellydancerakn November 9 2008, 03:11:48 UTC
Oh god faith/buffy *blinks*... IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? I think they would kill each other like "The Great Battle of Who Gets to Wear the Strap-On" or something or another and you know with Faith there is some seriously kinky stuff going on.

Yeah Cordy would be hard, then again writing fanfic is hard I would think. *giggles* Gunn and Owen stuck together in a room that would be hillarious. Either someone would die or they'd end up having ..."fun"... after some serious snarking of course.

And Yes I have finished that...and yes I am T-Oed about a certain character-whom-I-shall-not-mention-here because people reading this haven't gotten all the way through the story yet.

P.S. Speaking of rain I kid you not it just stopped raining after 36 hours.


Re: RAIN! bassair November 9 2008, 03:15:21 UTC
I have actually read one or two Fuffy fics while researching how to write femslash smut. They're quite scary. But I read one good one. Once. But lost the link. Silly me. lol

LOL GUNN/OWEN! OH MY GOD! I can't decide if that's hot or disturbing. Both, I think. My beta wants Angel/Owen. Strange girl.

T-Oed? What does that mean?

Tell me which chapter and I'll know what character you mean (I hope) lol :D

36 hours of rain? Eek! That's scary.


Re: RAIN! bellydancerakn November 9 2008, 03:22:38 UTC
Owen/Angel... right now I'm just gapping trying grasp that but it's just not coming...AGH! I type "not coming" and then the image comes (in two ways *smirk*)...that was startling and very odd.

As for Gunn/Owen...I think we just invented a new ship and you know Owen is so totally the (as Kelly would say) Betch.

T-Oed means Ticked-Off and lemme give you a clue, when I read the scene I started crying.

Ifinally noticed half-way through it that it hadn't stopped then I though about this comment and then I started laughing my butt off, which startled my parents to say the least.


Re: RAIN! bassair November 9 2008, 10:36:20 UTC
LOL! Yeah. I can sort of see Owen/Angel in my head ... but the thing that gets me is my beta said "I just want Angel to be happy". You can tell she hasnt seen the first few seasons of Buffy!

Maybe I'll do Angel/Owen just so Angel can lose his soul and be staked. -evil laugh-

And oh dear. No, no, no. No please let Gunn/Owen not be a new ship. Plese. lol. Scared now!

Ohh. And ah. If it's the scene I think it is (tempted to get you to private message me so you can tell me) then I cried writing it and made my beta cry multiple times over reading it lol.

And haha. I do that. I laugh at random things and my parents go "Why are you laughing at that washing machine/pen/desk/photocopier?" and I get this bunny-in-the-headlights look and go "No reason!" and scamper off. lol


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