Aug 20, 2007 13:13

Oh, dear me hehehehe, tis seemed that my writer's block, procrastination and my overall laziness has ended...for the time being most likely. old habits die hard. sorry to say. But, I shall be writing, and finishing up lost works. For those of you who read Jersey Comics, I'm love you guys to death. You've remain true and love the story and waiting to see it to its end. Well, I have good and bads news. The good news is...I'm starting on a new chapter. Bad news is, I don't know when it'll be posted. So, just keep jope alive. :)

Furthermore, I'll be starting on some new works. I have a bunch of stories bursting through the fleshy seams of my scalp. No idea when these shall be finished, but you can except them soon. That much I can guarentee.

Well that's about it for now...gotta get home and marry pen to paper. But, I'm hungry, so i'm gonna eat first and think later. Later dolls and freaks.
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