Jersey Comics

Oct 21, 2006 20:23

Jersey Comics (Pt. 16)
Author: Me. Alexandria.
Pairing: Gerard/Frankie (eventually)Mikey/?/Quinn
Summary: Their reality is much like a comic book, Gerard and Mikey are
two half demons with the ability to control fire and heat, Frank is the
only known male siren, with a big beautiful, yet very dangerous secret
about his past. But things take a turn for the worse and find
themselves against an evil super villain.
Rating: NC-17, death, sex
Disclaimer:I don't own a car, I don't own people.

Previous chapters in journal. Dedicated to Brittany, she deserves it.

[[yeah this story is taking forever i know..but my computer died, and
now i have a laptop and i shall write again, i do miss the comments
from you guys]]


Gerard dropped me off at my apartment, my cold little boring apartment.
After the night I just had with sweet Gee I think I would feel lonely
anytime he left. I sighed and went to change my clothes in the
bathroom. I lifted my shirt up and.... "Shit!" I gasped, feeling yet again that sharpness in my back from before. What the hell is that? I felt back
there and felt a lump, like a hard boney lump sticking from my back. I
went to the mirror immediately to see, but nothing was sticking out, it
was just the way my back always looked. But I felt it whenever I
touched in that place. I hope it's not serious.

The next few weeks were dull. Me and Gerard spent a lot of time
together, but no fucking unfortunately. I want him so badly, but he
insists on waiting. Its torture. I've also noticed that lump in my back as gotten bigger, its hurts sometimes, but not all the time. It's worrying me.
Same few nerds came in the store everyday, and looked through things
they weren't going to buy, and then complain about not having as great a
selection as the barnes and noble. Gerard would always counter with.
'fuck Barnes and Noble, now get the fuck out." I do love his spirit. But
lately he's been distant and distracted, and very sad. He wouldn't tell
me why whenever I tried to ask him how he was feeling. I did often wonder
what he'd think about when he stared off blankly into nothingness. I
wished he talk to me, I know tormet well.

Gerard sat at the counter, comic under his elbow and chin in his palm,
looking off into space.

Mikey where are you? Are you safe? Are you killing?


A gentle knock at the door of a shady little hotel room on south beach.
A man covered in tattoos answered, beer on his breath and smirk on his
lips when he saw the creature before him.

"This the entertainment for the night?" He asked.

"Why it is." Quinn smiled deviously at the man. "Just so I'm correct
and everything goes smoothly, you are one..." He looked down at a
clipboard with a name on it. "Mr. Syn."

The man nodded, never taking his eyes off the sweet little boy with
glasses. He liked them young, pediphiles always did. And the beautiful
about Mikey, he always did look young for his age. "I'm Syn. Bert
really knows how to treat his employees. Tell him I said I owe him."

"No problem." Quinn said and poked Mikey's thin body through the door
with Syn. Syn put an arm around Mikey's waist and held him close. "Now,
you remember kid, you do whatever the man wants. I don't wanna hear
complaints." He closed the door himself and left.

"Glasses.." He chuckled. "That is so cute, I don't think I've ever
gotten one with glasses and such a sweet face as yours."

Mikey looked at him with those big eyes looking so innocent and afraid,
which is what he knew the man liked. Give him what he wants said Quinn.
He wants fear from the children he fucks. But if only he could read
Mikey's eyes. There was no fear in them, only blood.

The man moved Mikey over to the king sized bed in the center of the
room and sat him down. He took a swig from the bottle he was holding,
but kept his eyes on the boy who sat on his bed. "Do you know what I like?"
He asked. Mikey nodded silently. "So you'll give me what I want?" He
nodded again. Syn smirked evilly and stroked the boy's cheek. "Will you
scream for me?" Again, he nodded. "Good."

Syn grabbed Mikey's neck forcefully and laid him out on the bed. He
tore off all his clothes and observed the skinny little pale body
underneath him. His eyes had their own orgasm once he saw his body,
pure perfection. Just from looking he could tell, he was untouched by human
hands. That turned him on more. "You will scream for me, you will moan as I
beat you and fuck you." Mikey held back from rolling his eyes when Syn
said that, he never understood why these guys always talk about what
they're going to do instead of just doing it. It made this whole
process longer.

Syn rubbed his free hand over Mikey's delicate chest and stomach,
feeling how smooth and soft his skin was. Then it ventured down between
his legs and he grabbed Mikey's cock. Though this made Mikey feel more than
disgusting and brought an awful feeling to his stomach, he made himself
hard only to keep the man distracted long enough. It mostly annoyed
Mikey that he had to. After Syn touched him and leaned down for a kiss.
mikey pressed back against the bed, not wanting to.

"Stay still." He order and slapped Mikey across the face hard. Stupid
move. He kissed Mikey hard on the lips, stuck his tongue down his
throat and wiggled it around like a wet fish. Mikey's face grimace, he was no longer going to prolonge this disgusting act. He held onto Syn's arms
and focused on the kiss being forced on him. With all his strength, he
thought of fire and heat, anything hot really. First, Syn's arms began
to sizzle like meat on a grill. Then his lips sizzled up pressed
against Mikey's face. Syn leaped up, screaming from pain. mikey pushed him off and sat up. His own lips felt weird, he felt his face and peeled off
Syn's now burned off lips.

Still screaming and shrieking with pain, holding his charred face. "You
fucking cunt! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" He shouted over and over.
He ran for a gun in the pocket of his coat. As soon as he grabbed it,
he throw it out of his hand. The whole gun became red hot as soon as he
touched it. Mikey walked over to him, that innocent face turned evil as
he looked into Syn's eyes. He kicked him in the face, adding more pain
to the man's face. He kneeled down over Syn and held his neck like Syn
did before.

"Bert has a message for you." His eerie voice finally spoke up. "Never,
ever screw him over and expect to live through the next day."

"Uck you!" He shouted, because me had no lips to pronouce the 'f' in

Mikey laughed at him and shoved his hand through the man's chest cavity
and latched onto his heart and squeezed ever so gently to torture him
further. A gurgle left Syn's throat and his gasped his last breaths.
His insides were slimy and warm, he felt his heart beat in his hand and
squeezed more. More gasps from Syn. "That was for slapping me." Mikey
said, and finally decided to his this man's life. His thoughts once
again went to fire, and from the inside out, he burned Syn's body. Organs
cooked inside him 'til them burned black, and the skin charred. His
eyes, what they did was beautiful, melted right out of his eye sockets down
the sides of his face. Once there was nothing left but bones and
charred skin, Mikey pulled out the man's burned heart and tossed it. He went into the bathroom and cleaned himself up, washing off the blood and the pieces of lip skin still on Mikey's face. He then put his clothes back
on, quite pissed that Syn tore his 3 hundred dollar designer shirt.

"Bastard." He whispered and kicked the charred bones. He went through
Syn's things, taking from him anything that could link him to Bert or
his companies. Along with, almost 6 hundred dollars in big bills and
stuffed them into his tight jeans. He left the hotel room, but wiped
off the doorknob since Quinn did touch it. Fingerprints. He went down to
the lobby and there was Quinn, waiting for Mikey to come down.

A smile on Quinn's face as mikey walked up. "You finished up a lot
faster than I thought you would. You could've taken your time with
him." He said, putting his hand into the expensive jacket he's wearing. They had expensive and very good taste for guys so young.

"No, I had to do it quickly, I don't like being touched by them. why
can't I just drop them as soon as I see them." Mikey said annoyed and
walked alongside Quinn and they walked out of the hotel and into a

"Bert likes grace and patience. He knows what he's doing, just try to
stay calm." Quinn told him and moved a few sweaty strands of hair from
Mikey's brow. He leaned into him and kissed the boy's neck and came up
to his lips and kissed him lustfully. Mikey kissed back for only a
moment, then pulled away.

"Not right now."

"Why not?"

"I'm not in the mood, not after that. not when they touch me."

Quinn sat back up straight, irriated that this night wouldn't lead to
really good sex. "God you're just like Ger-."

"Say it and i'll fucking kill you!" Mikey snapped. "I told you never to
say his name."

Quinn rolled his eyes and looked out the window. "Fine...but you are.
There's no hiding that." Mikey reached over and tried to burn Quinn for
his comment, but Quinn caught his hand, both using their own power, but
the only thing to occur was the windows steaming up. "No use Mikey. You
never learn."

Thye got to a private airstrip where a private jet was waiting for
them. The got out of the limo and entered the plane. Quinn got on a
phone immediately. "Sir, the job's done. Mikey did a fantastic job as

"Good." Bert said over the phone. "I'll see you in my office when you
get back." He hung up right away, saw no use in ever saying goodbyes.

Quinn hung up right after and looked over at Mikey sitting by himself,
face glowing from the light from his laptop screen. He came and sat
closer to him. "Why so upset? You've been so tense lately."

"Its nothing, I just don't like them touching me. Why do I always play
the part of some child hooker?"

"Because that's what they like. And you are the sweetest and with your
ability, you're perfect to send out. Be proud, you're special."

"I wish you didn't say his name. I want you to stop reminding me of
him. Forever! Do you understand, Quinn?"

"Of course. Its a sore issue for you, I understand completely. I do
apologize. Now..." Quinn sighed and closed mikey's laptop and kissed
his cheek. "I want you, before Bert has a chance to have you."

Mikey chuckled and looked into Quinn's eyes. "Jealous?"

"No, just horny, and seconds turns me off." Quinn slipped his hand
between Mikey's legs. "Don't you remember last time?" He whispered in
his ear. "It was good and hot."

Mikey sighed, "Will it stop your begging?"

"Of course."

"Fine." Mikey turned toward Quinn and stripped away his clothes and
even removed some of Quinn's. Mikey removed his glasses and they kissed
hard on the lips. Quinn pulled him to his lap, with one finger already
pushed into Mikey, poking against his spot. Though the feeling was
good, Mikey wasn't turned on, he just went with it. they kissed and rubbed
against each other's sweaty bodies. Mikey got on his knees and took
Quinn's length into his mouth, Quinn filled the cabin with his moans
and grunts. He pulled at Mikey's hair as the boy sucked on him, and pressed
his tongue against the pulsing vein. This was a normal rountine for
Mikey, he knew just how to get Quinn off quickly so he could go off to
his own business.

After swirling that tongue of his around Quinn's cock, and sucking on
the head, Mikey pulled off. He dug into a a bag of his and pulled out a
small bottle of personal lube and lathered it over his thin fingers and
stuck them up himself to make the entry easy.

"I love it when you prepare yourself. Its sexy."

Mikey didn't say anything, just kept scissoring his ass with the lube
on his fingers. "You ready?" Mikey asked and Quinn nodded. Mikey sat in
Quinn's lap again and pushed himself onto Quinn saliva coated dick.
Quinn's head threw back as Mikey bounced up and down in his lap. Mikey
moaned softly as his spot was hit each time he slammed down on Quinn.
Quinn thrusted up, moaning curses and digging his nails into Mikey's

One of the pilots peeked into the cabin, unaware of what he'd see. He
cleared his throat and called for Quinn. "Sir?"

"What?" He grunted, still thrusting him Mikey's tight ass.

The pilot cleared his throat again. "I'm suppose to inform you the body
of Gates was just found in his hotel room."

"Ugh...fine, thank you. Now ...oh fuck, go."

"Yes sir." The pilot said and departed from the cabin.

Quinn pressed Mikey's back to his own chest and bit down on Mikey's
shoulder. Mikey moaned a little louder, the pain was a little nice, but
still he wasn't that interested in sex at the moment. Quinn came louder
and released inside Mikey, his eyes rolled back and a grin formed on
his lips. Mikey finished himself off by stroking himself and cuming into
his hand. He pulled off Quinn and handed him a towel to clean off. He
put his clothes back on as Quinn sat there eyelids fluttering from his
orgasm. Mikey kissed his cheek and whispered.

"Sleep tight, Quinny." He grabbed his laptop and went to the back of
them cabin and Quinn slept for the rest of the flight. He opened the
laptop and went back to his work. He made sure Quinn was still sleep
and pulled up a file. A newspaper article about a local man in Jersey,
Gerard Way, 21, donated over 10,000 dollars to a orphanage in Newark. A photo of Gerard was over the article of him hugging two little girls with
brand-new stuffed animals in their arms.

A single tear fall from Mikey's eye.

Title: Jersey Comics
Author: bass_moron
Pairing: Gerard/Frank, Quinn/Mikey/Bert
Rating: R
POV: It switches.
Summary: Their reality is much like a comic book, Gerard and Mikey are two half demons with the ability to control fire and heat, Frank is the only known male siren, with a big beautiful, yet very dangerous secret about his past. But things take a turn for the worse and find themselves against an evil super villain.
Disclaimer: I don’t own a car, I can’t own people.
Author Notes: If you’ve been waiting for this to come back and then forgot all about it, well here it is. Dedicated solely to lesinnocents she’s awesome.
Warnings: If you get hooked and then it just drops off the earth, sorry, all I can say dears. And if you didn’t read number 16, it’s in my journal.

Just a few short hours later Mikey’s and Quinn’s plane landed in Vegas. A limo was waiting for them like always on the airstrip. Quinn was his usual self, always touching and kissing on Mikey. He still wasn’t really in the mood, especially after being ass-naked and being touched by a person he’s just killed.

Mikey sat on the opposite end of the limo from Quinn. He took off his glasses and pulled down the vanity mirror to get a good look at himself. Bert had this thing about Mikey never wearing his glasses around him; he found it to be a weakness…it was a need. To Bert, needs are your greatest weakness. To some extent Mikey agreed. He could already see fairly well without them, but he still needed the contacts that he slipped onto his eyeballs carefully. The next thing he did, another of Bert’s requirements, he must always look his best in his presence. So Mikey pulled out a comb and brush from his bag and did his hair nicely. He put the vanity mirror back up and looked over at Quinn. Mikey could tell Quinn just didn’t give a shit about what looking nice Bert, for anyone for that matter. His blonde hair was all out of place from the mile-high club session earlier in the night, and his clothes were all wrinkled up.

“You know he doesn’t like that. At least do your hair, maybe? I really don’t want to hear another of his lectures about tidiness and ‘representing your businesses.” Mikey told him, chuckled slightly. He pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and put one to his lip.

Quinn laughed, it was true. Bert could have a giant stick up his ass most of them time. “I really don’t care. I’m comfortable just like this.”

“Yeah, that may be true, but I really don’t want to watch him kick your ass tonight. It’s been a long night and I’m very tired.”

“Relax kid. If that happens…look at it as a good thing.” He smirked and chuckled. Mikey shook his head at the comment. He inhaled on his unlit cigarette; the tip went bright red with fire and lit up on its own. “Neat trick Mike.”

“I’m just to fuckin’ lazy to take out my lighter.”

The limo finally stopped in front of the Caesar’s Palace hotel and casino. Bert had a thing for those Romans. Why? Nobody bothered to ask. Both Quinn and Mikey exited the limo and were escorted right up to the suites by the hotel’s security. As soon as they made it to the room the security immediately left the hallway. They had no business near there or would feel Bert’s wrath.

They both went inside the suite, made themselves comfortable until Bert presented himself to them. This was all routine by now; they knew what to do and when to do it.

“Hello Gentleman.” Bert smiled as he came walking through doors leading to the balcony. A wine glass in his hand filled with the finest red wine anyone could get a hold of. “Michael, Quinn tells me you did a wonderful job tonight.” He looked down at Mikey with a smile, then at his Rolex on his waist. “And ahead of schedule, I’m very impressed with you.”

“Thank you, Bert.”

“Please, both of you have a drink.” He gestured with the glass of wine in his hand at the wine bottle in the bucket of ice sitting on the table alongside with two glasses set out for them. Quinn was the first to pour him a glass. Mikey shook his head and declined; he wasn’t much of a drinker.

Bert was in an unusually chipper mood this evening, smiling was a big tip. He never smiled unless he was standing over someone about to kill them. Mikey noticed it right away; Quinn however was on the verge of getting drunk.

“Guess what boys, you have a new assignment.” Bert finally said after having a sip of his wine.

“Another guy screwed you over and on the run again?” Quinn asked as he poured himself yet another glass.

“No, I’m assigning someone else those jobs from now on. You two will be working on something special.” He said with an evil smile. “First,” he swirled his finger over the rim of his glass. “Have either of you ever heard of sirens?”

“Yeah, almost all the time when I was a kid, chased me around a lot.” Quinn commented.

Bert walked over to Quinn and slapped him hard across the face. “Not police sirens you ignorant fuck!”

“What the fuck was that for?!” Quinn yelled in defense.

“Sirens, you idiot, read a fucking book for once.” He sighed at Quinn’s ignorance and went back to pacing the room and sipping his wine.

“They’re mythological creatures, right? Half bird or some shit like that.” Mikey finally spoke up, breaking his silence and looking up at Bert.

“Yes, that’s absolutely right, Michael.” Bert said. “And they’re very powerful creatures; they have the voices of gods. They can sing you into a sleep that you’ll never wake from. A creature like that would be very valuable to me.”

“…Sirens, sir, aren’t real.” Mikey admitted to him, hoping that wouldn’t cause Bert to smack him like he did to Quinn.

“And demons are?” Bert told him with a raised brow. “Oh darling they are real, as real as you and me. They have a monarchy as well. Queens, princesses...”

“No kings?” Quinn spoke up.

“Of course not, these women kill off their newborn sons. Now, if you’ve ever read a damn book Quinn you’d know this already. Sirens lure men to them, fuck them, get pregnant, and eat them for dinner. There are no men in their society.” Bert had another sip of wine, and then went to refill his glass.

“Sir, if I may, what does this have to do with anything?” Mikey said to Bert in a soft tone.

“Do you know why sirens refuse to brings sons into the world, Michael?” Bert asked him, being completely serious with him. Mikey shook his head.

“Are they lesbians? That would be my only guess.” Quinn interrupted.

“No, Quinn.” Bert shook his head. “Because siren males can grow to become the most powerful, unstoppable beings on this planet.” Bert eyes stared off into space as he spoke; the thought of such power amazed him. “There was a king once, a very long time ago…long, long before either of you were born…even long before I was born.”

“You can’t be much older than me, Bert.” Quinn chuckled and had more wine.

“I’m much older than I look, Quinn. I wasn’t even born within the last few centuries. But back to what I was saying. The King betrayed his Queen, and she killed him and vowed for there never to be another male in their kingdom. But if I was to get hold of a siren boy…I would become legend!” Bert’s face was happy, but a psychotic happiness filled his face.

“But you said it yourself, Bert, there aren't any...” Mikey said, looking at Bert, then to Quinn and back to Bert. “They kill them right after birth.”

Bert smirked down at him, again swirling a finger over the rim of his glass. “Yes, I did. But one didn’t.” He went over to his briefcase that was sitting on the bar in the suite. He opened and took out a large photo. He came back to both Quinn and Mikey and dropped it on the table in front of them. The picture was of a young women, brown hair, and beautiful bright smile. “Her name was Princess Ana of the Transylvanian siren clan. She had a son that lived and she died to protect him. We are going to search the motherfucking earth to find the prince!”


“Trick or Treat!” Gerard announced as Frank opened the door of his apartment. “Happy birthday as well,” he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. Frank smiled and kissed him back sweetly.

“It’s not my birthday or All Hallow’s Eve for another couple days Gerard.” He smiled again and let him inside.

“I know, but this is my absolute favorite holiday of all time.” Gerard rushed in with plastic bags in each hand and dumped them on Frank’s couch.

“What are you doing?”

“I have a few things for you to make the night complete. You said you said you wanted a date, so this is my attempt at it. Gerard unloaded a bunch of rented horror movies, some candy, and comic books from his store.

“You are so sweet to me, thank you.”

“Don’t mention it toots.” Gerard gave Frank another kiss and then one more on the cheek and sat down on the couch. “So what shall we watch first?” He asked holding up a bunch of the DVDs.

Frank sat down next to him and looked over what he had brought. “I don’t know they all look very interesting. You pick.”

“Okay, how ‘bout we start with Dracula, an old classic. You’re from Transylvania, you must love vampires.”

Frank shrugged his shoulders. He’s heard tons of stories on vampires and the undead as a child. And knew well that Americans would travel to his native land to buy fake artifacts from vendors, they believe actually belonged to a vampire. Gerard put the movie on and put an arm around Frank and they watched. It was many 20 minutes into the movie Gerard and Frank were making out. Lips pressed hard against the other’s heated embrace. Neither of them minded the screaming coming from the television. Gerard’s hand would move everywhere. All over Frank’s chest and back, but then he felt the lumps.

“Hey, what’s that?” He whispered into his mouth, his fingers rubbing over the hard lumps formed on Frank’s back.

“Oh, I’ve had those for a while now. It’s probably nothing, they’ll go away.” Frank said quickly, desperately wanting to get back to kissing his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around his neck tightly and moved his body closer. He licked over Gerard’s bottom lip first before slipping it into his mouth. Gerard’s head was spinning out of control at the feeling of Frank’s warm tongue in his mouth. “I want you, please!” He begged in a soft whisper.

“I told you baby, it’s still too soon.” Gerard stroked Frank’s cheek with a single finger and looked into his big puppy dog eyes.

“I don’t care. I could only feel closer to you, I know it.” Still whispering and he pecked Gerard’s sweet lips. “I want you to have me.”

“My darling time will let me have you, I promise. Just be patient for me.”

“It wouldn’t be my first time if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

Gerard laughed and kissed the boy’s cheek. “No, you’re just…I don’t know, I’d feel like I’d be damaging you.”

“You could never damage me more than I already am, Gerard. No more waiting, I’ve waited for you for months. Please?”

Gerard sat there quietly for a moment; he wanted it just as much as Frank did. Without another word he nodded his head and kissed Frank lovingly on the lips. “We go to your bedroom?”

Frank smiled and got up, taking Gerard’s hand and leaving him to his bedroom. He closed the door behind as if someone were going to come in and disturb them. From then on, Gerard was in complete control and Frank allowed it. He was nervous, this would be the first time he’d ever have sex that wasn’t forced on him. But with Gerard, he felt safe in his arms.

Gerard stood behind him, arms around his waist and kissing his neck. He nipped gently at the skin, not wanting to be too rough their first time together. His hands went up the front of Frank’s skeleton shirt. Frank moaned softly, moved his head sideways and kissed Gerard’s lips. Frank’s shirt was taken off, the cold did bite his exposed skin, but he didn’t care. He lay down on the bed, looking up at Gerard. He took off his own clothes, eventually standing there naked, feeling a bit shy. Frank smiled, to him; Gerard was the most beautiful person in the world, regardless of the bit of pudge here and there.

Gerard got on his knees at the edge of the bed and unzips Frank’s jeans and with a few short tugs they came off. He pulled down Frank’s boxer; he was already primed and ready. But Gerard hunched over the boy’s waist to put his mouth around Frank’s length.

Frank’s voice squeaked when he felt a warm tongue move around his length. He moaned softly and squirmed around his sheets.


Frank hissed and arched his back. His back again, the pain was slightly stronger now. But he ignored, he didn’t want this to end so soon. “Gerard,” he called to him. “Don’t draw this out, I’m ready for you.”

Gerard came up, kissed Frank passionately on the lips and pressed his hand over his chest. “You’re sure, Frankie?”


Gerard reached down and parted Frank’s legs and got between them. He made himself comfortable first and pressed the tip of his cock over Frank’s moist and awaiting entrance. He looked down at Frank, waiting for an ok from his eyes and pushed into him gently. Frank wrapped his legs and arms around the man tightly, loud moans coming from him. The moans made Gerard feel strange. Not in a bad way, but he felt in so good just to hear such sounds. It was so beautiful to him.

Gerard pulled out a bit, and then thrust back in a bit harder than before. Purposely trying to make those sounds came from Frank. And they did, Frank was louder and louder with each thrust and rock of his hips. But at the same time, Frank was in pain. The lumps in his back were cracking more and more felt like they were getting better…but then suddenly stopped. Frank was more than glad for it.

“Oh, I love you, Gerard.” Frank muttered to him, eyelashes fluttering. Gerard was silent; he didn’t know what to say. He just kissed him, still thrusting against sweaty skin. Both were moaning now, Frank was nearing his end. Nails dug deep into Gerard’s skin. “Almost baby!”

“Mm, okay.”

Both of them came at the same time, a loud, earth shattering, orgasm that sent chills up and down Frank’s spine as well as Gerard. Frank screamed, causing all the light bulbs and anything made of glass in the apartment shatter to pieces. The place went pitch black dark.

Gerard laughed at the sudden darkness. “Wow, we make the lights burn out.” Gerard figured it was a trigger brought on by what he was. He’s made weirder things happen. He pulled out of Frank and kissed his cheek. After calming his body down, he got up to see what the damage was. “Come on, let’s see what happen.” Gerard was already in the other room, searching the darkness for his jacket to find his lighter to see.

Frank was spent; he was breathing heavy and feeling like he was floating on a cloud.

Crack. Rip

He hissed from pain again. “Shit!” There was a new feeling, a new pain. He reached back and felt where the lumps had always been. This time there was something different. It felt wet. He wanted to rush up and go into the bathroom to see what was wrong exactly. He smelt blood now. He rolled onto his stomach, groaning in pain. “Gerard…” He tried to call out, but the pain was interfering. Something was happening now. Something was growing out of it; he was in such excruciating pain. The skin on his back was just ripping apart, blood everywhere. Frank screamed out loudly. By then Gerard had found his lighter. He ran back into the bedroom to Frank’s screams.

“Honey what’s wrong?!” But there was no need to ask; once he focused the light he was as plainly clear. Gerard couldn’t even form words at what he saw there.

“Help me!” Frank screamed, hot tears streaming down his face. “What’s happening to me?!”

“You’re…you grew…” Gerard stammered.

Frank could feel whatever was coming out of his back covering the back of his legs, wet from blood. He continued screaming from the pain, it just wouldn’t stop. “Gerard!” He screamed. “What’s happening? Oh god, am I dying?!”

Gerard couldn’t believe his eyes, couldn’t actually get the words out. He was too stunned. He’s seen this very sight before, in his dream. The boy screaming, thinking he was dying. “Frank, you grew wings.”

Frank was lying the gripping at the sheets, and from out of his back had sprouted two enormous white wings, drenched in blood. Frank convulsed, the pain was just too much and he passed out.
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