Well this is swell...

Sep 06, 2005 21:36

Oh guess what now? They're not taking me off the steriods before senior pics are due or Homecoming...so I get to be fat for both! And I don't mean just a lil fat.....I have like 20lbs or more of water weight on my face and stomach, side effect of the steriod. -____- It sickens me....and I won't even have time to buy a new dress that fits me before the dance!!! I can't wear a previous one now so what the hell do I do?!?! >_< Not to mention I get to be remembered with a huge face in the yearbook!! Oh swell situations always happen to me....yep they never seem to fail. This just all sux....missing half of my senior year just seems to fit right into this fairy tale. Hey why not take away the whole frickin' thing!!! What a perfect ending to my high school...
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