(no subject)

Jan 16, 2006 21:28

Dear Whoever Cares,

I just cried for the first time in a really long time, and I'm posting in here for the first time in probably about as long. I had one of those moments when you completely understand someone, and they understand you, and you realize that you love them, not as a lover, but as a person and a friend. At about the same time I had one of those moments when you realize that there are people in this world that really care about you. Thats what started my crying. It was a happy, grateful crying at first, but then it turned to a sad crying, and then back again. And then it stopped, and then started again, and it's been like that for a little while now. I don't know why I'm writing this, I haven't written here for a long time. I don't even know if half of my friends on here still use this. Or if anyone even really cares. I just needed to get things out I guess.


[edit] The Shins - Pink Bullets - "But your memory is here and I'd like it to stay . Warm light, on a winter day." - Current most depressing/fitting lyrics I know.
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