Jul 30, 2005 01:26
So...today was another boring day in the life of me. I seriously wonder if anyone reads this cause I wouldnt. I slept at Megan's last night and apparently Bruce is the boss and Megan is a candle-eating-flower-head. Welcome to three in the morning Britt and Megan logic. Gotta love it. Went shopping with my dad...awkward for a little then we were okay-ish. And I got the coolest shoes in the world. I'll take a pic of them and post them on here. They're flipping wonderful. Went to the lounge and basically just hung out there with a bunch of people. Sat by the benches for two hours then by Ryan's car for another two watching random black drunk ladies come up to us and yell for us to get off her brothers car before realizing it WASNT her brother's car but rather ryans. Weird shit. Some stuff of interest happened but nothing any of my non-readers would like to know. I got in touch with Matt even though he's not picking up his damn phone. Tomorrow's my last day with Megan for THREE FUCKING WEEKS. I'm pretty sure I'll cry. So...the end? Write back tomorrow. <3 Rhi