Feb 24, 2004 19:01
I know that you are the one posting anonymously, just like I know that Crystal was the one who came up with that list in 5th and 7th period. Why do you think that you ahve to post anonymously? Do you honestly think that I wouldn't figure it out? Why do youa hev a problem with me anyways? What the hell ahve I done to you? NOTHING!!! Just becuase I hang out with Vanessa and you don't like her doesn't mean you ahve to hate on me. And Crystal...whats this shit about me kissing Ashley's ass for the whole ricky martin dance??? FUCK THAT! If I wanted to kiss her ass I would have done it a long time ago...and didn't. I was being nice because thats the way that I am. I'm not just gonna come out and be a big ass bitch. I'm not like that. ANd Ashley you don't ahve to be so fake. I know that you ALWAYS talked hella shit on me and were nice to my face. You said that you hated people like that so why are you being a hypocrit and then calling me one? Like seriously ...what the fuck is wrong with you? You siad I needed to drop my attitude or you would drop me...I only got the attitude when you gave me one and if you think THAT was an attitude..then it's about to get 10 times worse. I'm not fucking afraid of you if you think thats what I am. I just don't understand why you can't just put your name. Don't act like your miss perfect, Ashley. Cause your not. You need to stop and think about yourself instead of worrying your little head about vaness's and Mine. I don't why we are so important to you that you jsut have to post something new to us everyday. If you think we are pathetic then is just 10 times worse. I don't understand why you can't just drop things. We are going to be graduating in like 2 1/2 months and probably never going to see each ever again. OS whats your problem. Why do you say you hate high school bullshit and drama, but then jsut totally bring it? Isn't that a perfect definition of a hypocrite?? You know what...I can handle the dirty looks and the anonymouse postings but the whole gum thing???...what is that like 3rd grade??? Come on. That was about the most IMMATURE thing anyone could ahve EVER done. I would NEVER stoop down to that level no matter how much I hated that person. Thats just wrong and fucked up. Now I'm not gonna do jack about this situation becuase i will be the better person and just drop it. I am gonna be out of this town soon and I am going to ahve the best end of my senior year whether you like it or not. You don't have to be around me you don't have to talk to me and you don't have to look at me (and I would prefer you didn't) a what so ever. I am personally done wiht all this High School bullshit. we are going to go to college next year. Now is that how a college student would act? I don't think so. Now then, I am going to go and I am going to go on with my life, I am not going to argue or fight with you beucase it is a waste of my time and I have better things to do with my time. SO I really hope that you have a good day...and I really mean that. =D