Feb 28, 2007 21:48
Do with this as you may...
Sitting here and crying, is not what you make think.
Sitting here and crying, really, REALLY stinks.
Sitting here and crying, to some, has no reason at all.
Sitting here and crying, may this poem be my fall.
Sitting here and crying all alone and in the dark.
Sitting here and crying definately leaves a mark.
Sitting here and crying cuts my heart in two.
Sitting here and crying is all because of you.
Sitting here and crying has a real reason.
Sitting here and crying really is no treason.
Sitting here and crying will make some folks blue.
Sitting here and crying means I say "Fuck you!"
This poem is a lesson, for all who must learn,
That hating is a crime, and for all who hate must burn.
Dedicated to my wonderful dance teacher.