i guess things are ok. i am finally learning to be lonely again. it's not that i don't have friends or hang out with anyone, it's that i come home to an empty house. it's slowly getting ok.
without the postal service, i would be a wreck.
ohmygodimetbrucecampbel!!! i shook ash's chainsaw hand. can you believe it? bruce fucking campbell, bubba freaking hotep shook my hand. too bad the movie blew. he's great in it, of course, but it was almost sub-b movie. *shrugs* it needed more gore and sex. no idea what i'm talking about? then you shouldn't know in the first place.
robert's great. without him, i'd go nuts.
i have a webcam and my mom's digital camera. i'm so computer pictures right now. here's one of bruce campbell calling me an imposter for handing him a book to be signed to robert:
that's right.
well, i'm going to rearrange my bedroom furniture and listen to "the district sleeps alone tonight" for the 100 millionth time. hit me back, let me know how you're doing.