Full Name: Elizabeth Michele Sawyer (so 1985)
Nickname: liz, bibbith, b12
Birthday: june 1, 1985
Birthplace: austin, tx, brackenridge hospital. yes, i have lived here forever.
Current mood: odd
Current music: karma chewing on something
Current taste: nothing
Current hair: low piggy tails with some hair down. ^_^
Current clothes: tank top, skirt. i look like a ballerina
Current annoyance: karma chewing on something
Current smell: karma
Current thing I ought to be doin: sleeping
Current windows open: buddy list, ims, lj
Current desktop picture: karma. jeeze... i'm obsessed, it seems
Current favorite band: death cab for cutie
Current book: dracula
Current cd in stereo: death cab for cutie
Current crush: pick one.
Current favorite celeb: me
Current hate: "uh, i know the website said to come 30 minutes early and you told me there were only seats in the front row and you don't do refunds, but can i get my money back?" bastards
=Do I=
Smoke?: *sigh*
Do drugs?: when offered
Have sex?: thinking about it right... now
Give oral sex?: def
Receive oral sex?: only if it's good
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no, but i do have hypnopoic/hyponogogic hallucinations. look em up. they scare the shit outta me.
Remember your first love?: oh, yes
Still love him/her?: no
Read the newspaper?: no
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: mos def
Believe in miracles?: only if i make them happen
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: no
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: unless it's plain refusal to educate themselves
Consider love a mistake?: no
Like the taste of alcohol?: mos def
Have a favorite candy?: dots!
Have any pets: karma, clyde (really mom's), twinkie
Have any piercings, if so where ;)?: ears
Have any tattoo, if so where and what?: two stars, back of neck
Hate yourself: when there's no one left but me
Have an obsession?: grades, some ocd things that give me twitches
Have a secret crush?: a few
Do they know yet?: two do
Have a best friend?: sure
Wish on stars?: yes
Care about looks?: i'm so narcisitic the mirror doesn't matter
=Love life=
First crush: will knaack
First kiss: 8th grade
Single or attached?: single, looking for... so much more that she coud ever give... oh brand new
Ever been in love?: yeah
Do you believe in "the one?": sometimes
Describe your ideal significant other: open-minded, intelligent, witty, not too mainstream, liberal, funfunfunfun, sexy
=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: ohmyyes
Have you ever been intoxicated?: are you kidding?
Favorite place to be kissed?: right here. *points*
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": by creepie exboyfreind through the bedroom window. ew.
Are you a tease?: ohnononono
Shy to make the first move?: sometimes
--EITHER / OR:--
club or houseparty: oarty
beer or cider: tequila
drinks or shots: shots
single or taken: single with goal number one
pen or pencil: pen
gloves or mittens: gloves
food or candy: food
cassette or cd: cd
coke or pepsi: sprite
this or that: that
kill: ... cross my path. let's see
get really wasted with: riley
look like: me
be like: you
avoid: justin at work
talked to: camelia
hugged: my nephew tyler
instant messaged: scott
kissed: oohhh... fuck.
eat: where is the food?
cry: the alamo women's bathrrom. fucking work sometimes.
wish you were: mexico
Dated one of your best friends? my goodness yes
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? nah. only by loving them without the return love
Broken the law? lmao
Run away from home? i've tried
Broken a bone? oddly, no
Played Truth Or Dare? mygodyes
Spin the Bottle? oohhh!!! let's play now! bring some liquor and some friends
Kissed someone you didn't know? heeheeheeheehee yeah
Been in a fight? with my sister
Come close to dying? on several occassions. seriously. i'm on borrowed time here. jsut ask.
--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: i jsut tossed coldplay. lol
Your favorite thing for breakfast? cereal and coldcold milk
Your favorite restaurant?: ... trudy's?
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: cereal. or bagel bited. they are my staples.
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: don't have one.
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: my toes. they're too wide
What is your biggest fear?: being alone
What feature are you most insecure about?: i'm too narcisistic
Do you ever have to beg?: lol for sex, sometimes.
Are you a pyromaniac?: when i'm high
Do you have too many love interests?: yeah. too bad none of them are interested back. freaks.
Do you know anyone famous?: me
Describe your bed: great for having fun
Spontaneous or plain?: sponteneity with a bit of hesitation
Do you know how to play poker?: when i'm drunk
What do you carry with you at all times?: glasses
How do you drive?: like a closed course driver
What do you miss most about being little?: the cool toys
Are you happy with your given name?: not the full length of my first. liz suits me just fine, though
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: enough to set me for life.
Have you ever been in a play?: kindergarten.
Who are your best friends?: robert, vicki, ashley, camelia
Do you talk a lot?: *sigh* yes and without thinking first. bigmouth
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: well, sure. sometimes
Do you think you're cute?: *narcisistic*
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: on the outside
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: my puppy
other than that, work is kicking ym ass, school is almost done, goal one is yet to be obtained, and movie patrons can be wonderful or they can be evil little jerks.