Title: God Knows Even Angels Fall
Pairing: Santana/Brittany
Rating: PG-13 this chapter.
Summary: AU. Finished with her tour, Brittany's back in the States with an obligation to fulfil. She isn't too sure how to go about it, or if she even wants to- Especially once she gets to know Santana.
Warnings: Character death from 1st chapter
Spoilers: Bits and
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If I could, and you could, I would probably get like Zizes, gigantic of eating so much of this fic. (but enough with the eating metaphor, it's getting weird)
I have to say that using 'your FACE' will never be juvenile. :D Specially when used in great contexts. Quinn knows what I'm talking about.
Also, forgive me for this =T but I can't feel whatever is going on with Quinn. And I feel really bad because she's an amazing character - here, at least.
And Satan *-* she made me so happy with her responses. What a LADY she is! Not so gracious, I know, but c'mon! She didn't make a fool of herself like most there did. Bonus for the Chang-Chang gleeks. xD
Oh, oh, and her feelings for Brittany? I melted.
ps: It was so convenient when it started playing Cold Shoulder when San didn't find her upstairs. =D Even though it suits Brittany better õ_o... and it's not even THAT suitable for them, but whatever. u_u I digress.
Enough of my rants and more of your chapters. Me gustam.
High praise, high praise!! You're going to get my head all huge and bloated, sheesh! (but srsly, danku.)
Unfortunately for all adultkind, I use 'your face' way too much. The society of grownups should disown me, and soon.
Forgive you for? I AM SO CONFUSED NOW. AUGHHHH. *flails*
Chang (squared) are amazing. Power to the Asians! ...heh heh heh.
HAH. Well, see, I like your rants! They honestly make me grin and feel all pleased and fuzzy inside. So... Power to you!
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