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Campaign against thoughtcrime - why it is important?По инициативе Геннадия Строганова и при содействии Евгения Легедина у нас появился текст обращения об участии в кампании против преследований за мыслепреступления на английском языке. Прямая ссылка на "официальную версию" -
Если есть замечания и предложения по содержанию и по тексту перевода, скажите - внесем исправления оперативно. Но главное - приложить все усилия для его максимального продвижения всеми доступными способами и на всех доступных площадках.
Международный общественный Комитет против преследований за мысли и слова будет признателен за любое содействие кампании в защиту Стомахина.
Campaign against thoughtcrime - why it is important?
The authoritarian repressive machine in Russia is gaining momentum. Besides the notoriously persecution of the members of Pussy Riot punk band and the Bolotnaya protesters, the investigation Committee of Russia fabricated a more absurd and cruel criminal case against a prisoner of conscience, a radical publicist Boris Stomakhin.
The so called ‘the second case of Stomakhin’ is characterised by a total informational vacuum: the facts about his severe persecution for his beliefs and articles are not publicised on Russian and world media. They are censored even in ‘liberal’ news agencies. ‘The second case of Stomakhin’ is a showcase for the intimidating of civil activists and the splitting of the Russian anti-Putin movement.
The demand to stop persecution for belief and words and to release immediately Boris Stomakhin is already supported by many human rights defenders - Vladimir Bukovsky, Natalia Gorbanevskaya, Alexander Podrabinek, by scientists, by artists and just ordinary people in Russia and abroad. But it is not enough. To break the information blockade and to create public awareness of the Stomakhin case we need thousands of people who share our values in freedom of speech.
The World Public Committee against thoughtcrime is counting on your help in the strife against authoritarian brutality and political persecution in Russia.
How you can help Boris Stomakhin?
- Show this petition to your friends or family.
- Write about this issue online, in your own blog or webpage.
- Write to your MP asking him to send a letter to the Russian President, demanding that all political prisoners, including Boris Stomakhin be freed.
- Write to the Russian Embassy or Consulate in your country.
- Make a donation to the Civil Self-defence Fund (PayPal - doinfo@ya.ru, other details - at http://patriofil.ru/publ/10-1-0-145).
- Sign the petition against thoughtcrime on http://patriofil.ru/publ/1-1-0-131 or on AVAAZ - http://www.avaaz.org/ru/petition/Net_presledovaniyam_za_mysli_i_slova_Svobodu_Borisu_Stomahinu/