more wacky dreams last night

May 30, 2007 07:58

I started out with a basic Back In High School Or Possibly College dream. You know, when you're in a classroom and muttering to yourself "this isn't right, I haven't done this in years," but you just go with it.

After the class ended, the people in the class went on some kind of graduation camping trip. (Not that I've ever been on a camping trip of any kind, but that's dream life for you.) Polaroids were taken, campfires were lit. The pictures ended up in some kind of long strip, draped over a chair.

Then we got a call from three other people who had been in the class, who were off having a pagan wedding ceremony--all three of them, two guys and a girl. I watched the ceremony in the pictures, it being a dream. It was... connected or something.

And jacquez was there! She needed... damn, what was it... for a school project, a stone belonging to one of those mythical figures. I'm coming up with John Henry or the Wandering Jew, but neither of those are right. I was telling her to just go to a mineral store and get a stone with a hole in it as a visual aid, but she insisted it needed to be the real thing. I argued that given that we were currently in a magical universe, as evidenced by me watching that wedding ceremony by looking into a still photograph, getting her hands on a real mythical artifact would be a bad idea.

Which is excellent logic, I have to say. :DDD

So jacquez agreed, grumpily, and went off to the rock store. I took a nap and visited those three people who had just gotten married.

Aaaaaand found them disemboweled. Because this is, after all, one of my dreams. The culprits were not dissimilar to the orcs from LOTR. I tried to do something, but my hands were turned into a bundle of fireplace matches, smeared with tar and wrapped in leaves. Can't help with hands like that, so I woke up... in the dream. Back into the other part of the dream.

Then we saw the grass fire crest the hill. Kansas-style prairie fire, all-consuming. Of course we all ran for our cars, and I went to rescue jacquez's cats and dog, because even in crazy dreams I know what's important.

Then my real alarm went off and I decided I didn't need to finish that dream. But the image of my hands turned to matches is vivid enough that I wanted to share.

my horrifying dream life

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