currently reading:
The Dud AvocadoDespite enjoying this reissue from the 50s about an American girl in Paris, I am reading it veeeeery slowly. really funny though.
The Mysterious Benedict Societyso far so good. panders to smart kids, but in a good way.
Just read:
Sardine in Outer Space Vol 2 liked it better than the first. I heart Joann Sfar too much.
The Last Summer of You and Me Someone else read this so we can discuss! Like a sadder, deeper Summer Sisters. by which I do not mean the other books by Brashares, but the deliciously easy to read Judy Blume beach book. This is a beach book too, in its way.
Statements: True Tales of Life, Love and Credit Card Bills This is no Amy's Answering Machine. Which actually wasn't that great a book anyway. But the cds? priceless. my sister and i always like to say "To think you can have a so-called breakfast without toast is beyond me!" That and "The Matzoh Balls made me nauseous." listen to a sample
here. The Prophet of YonwoodI think I may need to reread the first two in the series before I decide if this was a satisfying ending. I'm pretty sure that the pacing and dramatic impact were sorta off compared to the first two. Still good, but didn't give me chills.
About to read:
Sardine Vol 3 Started to read and realized I'd already read:
Pinky and StinkyPigs IN SPACE!!!!!!